2 - Meeting again.

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Joe woke up with the worst headache, which he could expect since he drank a whole bottle- actually two. It was quiet in the house and if it wasn't for the birds chirping outside he mightve thought he got deaf. He sat up going with his fingers through his hair sighing deeply. As he stared tiredly at space he felt the wind lightly against his skin which was colder than normally? He brushed it off looking around a bit when his eyes widened. His hand trailed up to his chest and indeed felt thay he had no shirt on. Joe snapped his head to the right looking at the unfamiliar blonde boy fast asleep next to him. And yes, he also had no shirt on so Joe could easily he probably fucked up.

" Fuck. " He cursed under his breath as he stood up putting on his boxers and pants. As he stepped into his shoes he also tried to search for the shirt he wore yesterday which was hard to find making him even more stressed because he wanted to leave before the boy woke u- 

His thoughts got cut off when the boy in bed groaned as he woke up. Joe not looking at whatever he grabbed took the sweater on the ground and quickly walked out of the room. Some boys whistled at him making Joe roll his eyes. " Got laid Joe? " The boys asked laughing. " What's her name? " One of the boys asked looking at Joe who just put the sweater on and started walking out of the house.

That was the problem, Joe thought. It wasn't a girl it was a fucking male. The thought made him even more stressed. He got fucked by a dude and he didn't hesitate once. Stupid fucking alcohol.

" Last night was the best! " Rami said too loud for Joe since he was still recovering from his hungover. " Oh sorry. " Rami said whispering. " Anyways where were you off to suddenly? " Rami asked and Joe only rolled his eyes. " You told me to stay inside that room until I got sober like a fucking dad. " Joe said as he drank the water with his second paracetamol in it. " Oh right. Well did that have to take THAT long? You stayed the whole night up there or did someone join you? " Rami asked smirking at his friend. Joe choked on his water because of that question patting himself dry when he spilled some water over his shirt. " No, why? " Joe looked everywhere except at Rami who had a hard time believing his friend. " Are you sure? " Rami asked as he looked at Joe as if he grew two heads. " Yes Rami- Yes I'm sure. " Joe claimed unsure. " Now let's talk about that girl who you were talking to yesterday. " Joe said quickly brushing the other topic away just for himself so that he didn't have to think about what happened last night. 

A week passed by and he did luckily not see the blonde boy anymore. Joe was relieved that means he has a secret, with of course someone else but mostly himself he never would have to tell. If he just moved on with his life he would be fine, no one would knew about that night not even the boy himself. They both were drunk anyways so he wouldn't remember or care either. Joe was glad he could forget about that awful yet experiencing night and  never look back at it.

He thought wrong. Not many days later, before Rami's birthday they decided to go to this club. Just to already get in the mood for partying since Rami liked his birthday being celebrated big. After days of Rami begging Joe to come with him and a couple of friends Joe finally gave in ending up at the bar with people grinding on each other and making out in the corners of the lounge. Joe only tagged along because he's fair like that, he promised Rami and besides, it was something new again to explore. Find new people, get new chances, experience maybe more feelings he stopped having. After a couple of shots and Joe just sitting at the bar feeling already a bit dizzy he began feeling kind of bored. He just walked to the nearest toilet he could find and closed the door. He heard the loud music boom through the walls feeling a sort of calm go through his body. He of course knew how it was to go out but he never really liked the ear deafening music. He leaned on the sink looking in the mirror getting a mini heart attack when he saw someone staring at him. 

" Uhm, can I help you? " He asked eyeing the boy through the mirror. " No you just literally bursted in making me have a whole heart attack. " The boy responded moving away so he could lean against the wall. Joe rolled his eyes, " Sorry didn't know you lived here. " he apologized in full sarcasm lowering his head making the blonde boy scoff. " So why are you here? " He asked and Joe looked up again at the mirror. " Sorry can't a man pee anymore? " He asked offended. " I don't see you peeing. " The blonde answered. " You don't need to. " Joe responded as he turned around leaning against the sink. " I was bored. " Joe confessed as he looked at the boy. He seemed, familiar but Joe couldn't point it out. " Oh.. " The boy trailed off looking down. " Well, you wanna do something then? You know.. that will make you less bored? " The boy asked looking up and directly making eye contact with Joe.

Joe didn't know how but not many minutes later he ended up making out with the stranger getting pressed against the sink. Joe blamed it yet again on the alcohol when the boy pulled him outside the toilet and club. Joe didn't really care or fought against it when he got pulled inside the unfamiliar car. He was horny anyways so when the boy started his car and drove away he had two thoughts running through his drunken head. 

1: He was about to get fucking murdered and no one would ever find out.


2: He was going to have the best drunk/ not so drunk sex in a long time.

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