21- Fin

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warning: !! long chapter a head !!

Joe was glad that school was almost over but everytime he thought about detention he just wished he skipped school today. Running away was no option since he just had to come back the day after and they would just double up the time.

" Okay Joseph, why don't you start to clean the desks a little. " The man said as he walked into the classroom. " Great. " Joe muttered under his breath as he started cleaning the first desk. Why would Ben lie to him? Why couldn't he just say ' Listen Joe I didn't kiss Lucy. ' it will all be just fine. Well, Joe didn't tell Ben that he saw them kissing so it's not all his fault. But it is his fault for letting Joe think that they kissed. 

" Need help? " A voice cut his thoughts off. Joe's head snapped to the right seeing Rami smiling softly at him. It was quiet between them and the teacher didn't come back yet since he was getting something to eat. " Listen Rami- " Joe said as he stood up straight and looked at his friend. " No it's okay. " Rami cuts him off. " I was being over dramatic. " He shrugged before looking down.  " I guess I just was so over protective over her that I didn't notice I was kind of hurting you too. " Rami explained. " You really like her huh? " Joe looked at his friend who was slightly blushing. " Yeah.. " The silent grew between them again until Rami started talking.

" And you my friend are also inlove. " Rami said as he put his hand on Joe's shoulder. " Oh no, no, no, no- "

" Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes. " Rami mimicked.

" We weren't talking about love at all we were talking about your crush and my stupid move to talk to her and no such thing as l- " Rami held his hand up to stop Joe and surprisingly he did. " You my guy, " Rami started as he pointed his finger towards Joe. " Can feel every beat here, " The boy moved his finger from Joe's face to his heart. " But can't let it out because you're stuck here. " Rami finished as he pointed his finger at Joe's head. " I don't love him. " Joe said quietly as he looked down. " No maybe not. " Rami piped up. " But you do like him. " 

Joe looked up and grabbed his backpack. " I'm so sorry dude can you just- I really need to- " Rami waved his hand with a reassuring smile on his face. " Go get your mans. "

Well that was not really the thing Joe was going for. He wasn't going to get anything except an apology from Ben. This wasn't a typical teenage romance novel. No, Joe hated romantic, teenage, love. But he couldn't deny the feeling inside his chest as he came closer to the doorhe was about to knock on.

' Just breathe in. ' Joe thought as he took as deep breath. His fist hovered over the wooden door for a second longer but then he suddenly knocked. ' Well no going back now. ' He thought. Not many minutes later the door swung open and he was met with Ben's face lighting up as he saw Joe. But that face soon got confused as Joe pushed Ben inside. " Are we going to have rough se- " Ben started joking but Joe cut him off. " Shut up! " Joe was clearly mad. " Why couldn't you just tell me as a normal fucking person would do that you and Lucy didn't fucking kiss or fuck each others brains out?! " Ben was taken back for a moment but then he also started getting mad. " And so what? What would you care? Even if I fucked her for three whole rounds why do you care?! " A sharp sound could been hear through the room. Ben's head to a quick snap to the other side. Joe's eyes widened, did he do that? He looked at the tiny bit of blood at the corner of Ben's mouth. " Ben I am so sorry I don't know what that was I am so- " 

" Sorry?! You say sorry so fucking much Joe it's getting quite fucking annoying don't you think? " Ben snapped looking at Joe who was filled with anger and also fear when Ben started approaching him. " I- I- " Joe stuttered as he walked backwards mentally cursing at himself when he hit the door. Ben stood so close to his face and his heart was beating so much faster than before. Maybe it was because of the boy or maybe because he was scared shitless thinking that he might get slapped too. He closed his eyes a he looked to the side trying to lessen the pain. Some seconds later when he felt nothing he opened his eyes to just see Ben staring at him. Joe couldn't place the emotion of him, it was lust, fear, anger in all but what was the other one he was searching for? " I would never hurt you Joseph you know that. " Ben spoke softly snapping him out of his thoughts. " Well you fucking did anyways. " Joe didn't know where this courage came from but he knew he wasn't going to stop. " We didn't even kiss nor fuck! " 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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