15 - Alignments.

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It was okay, Joe thought as he stepped inside his apartment not even bothered by the lights being out and the room being totally dark. It was fine though, Ben could kiss everyone, he could even fuck everyone. Joe sat down with a deep sigh. Joe just had to accept and move on, he and Ben couldn't last for ever but that was okay. Joe dropped his head low and felt his throat tighten. He wiped his tears quickly away and stood up inhaling deeply to erase the pain. He and Ben had a great time but some books have to end their story. Joe couldn't help it. 

Yeah it was okay. No wait actually it wasn't, Joe felt miserable. He felt full of all different types of emotions. He felt as if he was choking up on his tears or running out of air to breathe in. He had to calm himself down, this couldn't go on much longer. He was crying for what? Joe stopped crying after two full hours of him just sitting with his back against the wall crying and crying. He stood up and decided to just lay in bed and sleep, sleep all of his feelings away.

" Joe come out! " A voice spoke behind the door. Joe pulled his blankets away and shifted out of his position, sitting on the edge of the bed. When the knocking kept going on he walked to his frontdoor. " What is wrong with you why aren't you call- " Rami began bursting in with Gwil beside him. " -ing back.. " Rami trailed off after he saw how his friend looked. " What, happened? " Rami asked in shock. Joe shook his head and rubbed his eyes. They were probably swollen up becaus eof him crying for nearly two days but he couldn't care less. " What do you want. " Joe said sounding really neutral and that's when Rami and Gwil looked at each other in concern. " What I want is for you to tell us exactly what made you think to ignore us for two fucking days. " Rami said as he looked at his friend staring at nothing. " Is it Ben? " Gwil piped up behind Rami. Joe couldn't hide his short flinch because of the mention of the name. " No. " Joe lied looking down. " Don't lie. " Rami warned. " I'm not. " Joe claimed still avoiding any eye contact. " Joe- "

" Can you two go maybe- " Joe began but Rami cut him off. " No! Look at you. You are not fucking responding anymore like the Joe we know! " Rami got mad taking a step closer. " Well the Joe you all know is fucking gone and was fake! This is the real Joe and fucking deal with it! " Joe snapped looking at Rami in anger. " No, the real Joe isn't any like this, " Gwil began stepping foreward making Joe and Rami look up to him. " You're just scared that someone might've freed him. The Joe that hid for reasons. The Joe that didn't want to associate with anyone. You know, that someone, and we all know who- made you open up more day by day. " Gwil stated and Joe looked at him not knowing if he should get mad but then again, for what? Hitting his heart with the truth? 

" I uhm- " Joe began cutting his sentence off because he felt his throat starting to ache. " Saw them. " He said, knitting his eyebrows while looking down and fidgeting with his fingers. " Who? " Rami asked leaning in. Joe was quiet for a while still fidgeting with his fingers and looking down preventing himself from crying. " Lucy and Ben. " Joe said softly, his voice cracking. He looked up with tears inside his eyes. " They kissed. " He choked out the last words feeling as if he was torturing himself, which infact he was. 

Rami and Gwil stood there for a minute, only in silence. " Do you, " Rami began. " Do you know for sure? You saw them kissing? " Rami added, of course he was hurt too since he had a crush on Lucy for so long now. Hearing this broke his heart. " No, but I saw enough to know. " Joe said quietly. " Maybe he pushed her away when you didn't look? " Gwil asked but Joe only shook his head. " They were too close for him to push her away. " Joe explained sadly.

Rami sighed deeply before taking another step and wrapping his arms around Joe letting the boy cry out. Gwil never saw Joe break for someone, or even really care. He knew why, for god sake they all knew why. But the thing was that Joe was too stubborn to realize. " Sorry. " Joe croaked out after crying. " For, being weird. " He apologized let out a sad scoff. " It's okay, we just want the Joe back we know. " Rami said while comforting him. " But how can we bring back the Joe we know without the person who made the Joe we know? "  Gwil asked making Rami look back at Joe. " I-I don't need him. I can handle it on my own I'm, " He stopped himself looking down. " I've done it by myself for almost four years now, I don't think a stupid crush would make any difference. " Joe explained. " Yeah I think so too you, that's so s- Wait. " Rami cut himself off looking at Joe with widened eyes and whipping his head back at Gwil who was as shocked as him. Joe was not that surprised by him talking to fast. " What? " He asked looking up at his friends with mouths wide open. " I think it was pretty obvious right? And I needed to stop being so stubborn anyways, it took too long for me to keel those feelings inside. " 

" Joe- " Rami began but Joe cut him off. " Now let's go, somewhere where I don't feel uhm, " He looked around in his livingroom full of mess. " Like shit. " He finished making Gwil and Rami laugh.

BTICH WHAT AM I DOIGN HERE.?1!? I HAVE FUCKIFN SCHOOL TOMRORWO 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ Ok anyways i hope this chapter made it good bc that other one ehm 👨🏻 sorry i dont know what that was haha ok BYE 

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