16. Lily and James

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I don't see Severus again until he comes to Dumbledore asking for help. I hang around Hogwarts, and help Dumbledore with whatever I can. Severus cokes to ask for help, and raises his eyebrows when he sees me. We're on a cliff, and he's pleading for Lily's life.

"Please, keep her safe."

"What will you give me in return?"

He doesn't even hesitate. "Anything."

Dumbledore looks to me. I nod.

"It was meant to happen. You know what to do, Albus."

"I'll see what I can do. In exchange for your loyalty."

"Just keep her safe."

I move forward and hug him. "You're the most loyal person I've ever met, little Sev."

"I'm not so little anymore. I'm sorry I didn't listen."

"It was going to happen anyway. I shouldn't have yelled. This is where things get serious."

"What do you mean?"

"Halloween is coming up. I'm here for you, Baby Bird."

"Harry. I know who he is. Her son. You went to school with him."

"He saved the world."


"You'll get the books soon enough. Now go and spy on Mouldy Voldy for us."




"Off you go." I push him playfully, and he disapperates. Dumbledore looks at the spot where he disappeared.

"You're like a mother to him. I can see it in the way he looks to you for guidance."

"This is my way of giving back to him for being there for me."

"It'll be hard for him."

"He'll get through it."

"I'm not talking about that."

"Is it that thing that I'm not allowed to know?"


"Who told you."


"She knows?!"

"It's hard for her too. Don't ask her."

"Will I find out?"

"Yes. Eventually."

"Should I be scared?"

"I don't think so."



The next few months fly by in a blur. Voldemort is gaining power. Halloween comes. Severus is sitting with me in the park he met Lily.

"I check on them every day." He says. "She has to be safe. As long as she's alive, I'm fine."

I bite my lip. He notices.


"It's almost night."

His eyes widen. "No."

I look away, tears forming in my eyes.

"Please don't tell me that..."

"I'm sorry, Sev."

"No!" He gets up and kicks the tree beside us. "No!"

"Shush. She's still alive."

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