first meeting pt.1

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'excuse me, but is this where winter snow lives?' asked the boy.

'who are you?' asked him yoongi.

'oh my god, how impolite of me. i am kim taehyung, her boyfriend's nephew.' answered taehyung.

wait.boyfriend? did yoongi hear well. winter... had a boyfriend? since when? and she never thought about telling him?

'umm, excuse me?

'oh yes yes, she does live here, but what for?'

'she forgot this at my uncle's house, so i asked him for her adress, and decided to give it to her myself.'

'oh thank you, but i'm afraid you'll have to wait a little bit, she's not home yet.'

'she isn't? but she left his home about an hour ago.'

'she does this sometimes, she'll come back eventually.' answered yoongi, and then he saw a small figure getting closer, he soon recognised his best friend, jimin, and the latter started running towards him.

'hyung it feels great to see you again!'

'you too jiminie! how was the states?'

just as jimin wanted to answer, they heard someone clearing his throats, forgetting that kim taehyung was there. but suddenly, taehyung and jimin jumped on each other, laughing, leaving min yoongi confused.

'oh umm, kim taehyung, here present, is my cousin! i told you about him, he is the one that danced on 'new face' in our prom!'

'oh yeah yeah! you showed me the video! it was epic. taehyung, sorry for not recognising you! i am winter's brother, and jimin's bestfriend, min yoongi'

'nice to meet you yoongi hyung!'

'well, don't stay here, it's pretty cold.'

yoongi, jimin and taehyung were talking for about 2 hours, when they heard someone opening the door. jin and winter both made their entrance, but the state of the latter was just terrible. she was crying and trembling, and jin was trying his best to calm her down. he didn't know why, but seeing her like this, was too painful for taehyung's heart, and he didn't even know the girl yet. when she saw who was present in the room, she went straight to her room, leaving both taehyung and jimin surprised, and speechless. they were both confused too. and... and they wanted to go check on her, but at the same moment, they knew that she needed some time alone.

'wow... where's the winter that never cried that i used to know?' wondered jimin. yoongi looked at him and sighed. 'i guess that time made her like this.'

'what do you mean, hyung?' asked taehyung.

'listen kiddo, i don't know much of the story, and i know i am a bad brother, but what i can tell you, is that she obviously suffered a lot, and that forcing her to tell us the truth won't do it. that's why i try to be patient, and i personally think that eventually, the time will come when she'll be ready to tell us what happened.' and then he left them, closing the door loudly behind him.

taehyung and jimin both left a few minutes ago, and jin was sitting alone on the couch. because he wanted to do something about this whole damn situation, but what could he do?

do you know how he really really felt? take a man and tie him up tightly to stop him from making any move, and then bring people, and kill them slowly in front of him. and do NOT forget to force him to watch.

yes... he was incapable of helping his own friends.

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