그 치유 pt.2

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00:05. his watch showed that it was slightly past midnight but yoongi couldn't care any less. why would he. he didn't want to go home. he couldn't go home. it was too painful for his poor heart to bear, so instead, he sat on one of the many seats at the park and just admired the beautiful landscape. he always loved the night, which earned him his nickname 'the vampire' from his friends. he was only 5 when they started to call him that, and yet, it grew up with him. they never forgot to tease him about his pale milky skin and weird love for the night.

yoongi hoped to go back to those childhood and teenage days, where there was no pain, and no sufferings. only smiles and laughs.

at that time, winter was about 6 or 7. when yoongi found her, she was only skin and bones, and she was scared to death. tears were streaming down her face for an unknown reason, and this made yoongi's heart break into small pieces.

yoongi recalls how he approached the girl, worried and concerned about her for no reason. he never was the kind to feel empathy towards people. he was actually the complete opposite. never one to show his emotions. never one to get close to somebody. the lone wolf, as jin liked to put it.

however, with the small whimpering girl, he felt different. so different that he took the girl to his house. as he arrived, he layed the girl on his bed and went to talk to his mother.

his mother was a single mom ever sice his genitor left 5 years before. which means when yoongi was 9. and to be honest, he couldn't care less about his father's absence, who he never considered as one. such a cold hearted man could never be his dad.

he never understood why his mother chose such a freak as a husband. she, who immediately accepted winter as if she was her own daughter, and who, until her last breathe, helped her to become free.

free from them.

have nothing else to say other than it has been a while since i posted.

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