레이프 pt.1

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it took a few minutes for the police officers to come. when they finally arrived, taehyung was still hidden, following the instructions of the man who answered his call. some officers surrounded the house while others discreetly barged in, armed. a few seconds later, some screams where heard. that's when he recognised one of the voices: his uncle.

taehyung suddenly started running towards the front door. he was sweating, panting, but he didn't care at all. all he could think of was what innocent soul that his uncle was killing slowly.

he remembered his first encounter with snow. when his uncle told him that she was his girlfriend, he thought something was off but he just seemed so happy that he didn't want it to stop. but by not doing so, he let him hurt an innocent... and jimin?! jimin! did he know about all of this? did he know that his father was the cause for winter's nightmare? or was he perhaps also abused by that terrible excuse of a human?

taehyung just shook off his thoughts and decided to focus on the heartbreaking sight that was in front of him. his uncle was trying to free himself frop the grap of some stronger policemen was two police woman were trying to comfort the crying lady on the floor.

while he was staring at the scene with pure disgust, he didn't notice that one of the men walked towards him and tapped him on the shoulder.

'mister, i believe you are the one who called us right?' taehyung nodded 'let me introduce myself, i am kim namjoon the man that answered your phonecall. if you wouldn't mind, i've got to ask you some questions.'

'yeah sure, can we just move out of here please.'

'as you wish sir.'

taehyung followed the called namjoon outside of the house to the garden where he spent most of his childhood, and sat on one of the benches, clearly broken by what his uncle did.

'shall we start, sir?'

taehyung shifted in his place, then answered 'yes.'

'first of all, what is your relation with the victim?' the officer asked.

'she is my friend's sister. we work in the same café.' taehyung answered honestly.

'how did you know she was here?'

'when i was cleaning the dishes, i accidently broke one and she helped me to clean up but my hand was injured. she took me to her room and left to get the first aid kit. her phone kept buzzing and i got a little too curious, so i read the message. it was somebody that told her to come to their house at 5. at first i thought it was just a friend, but i had that bad feeling inside of me, so i decided to follow her. after she rang the bell, she sat on her knees, as if she was submissive to that person. i waited for something more to happen, when i saw my uncle pull her inside roughly. that's when i called you.' narrated taehyung with tears around his eyes.

'okay, last question, and then you are free to go see the victim... do you know somebody that he might have harmed.'

as he couldn't speak, taehyung just nodded too shocked to say anything.


'my cousin.'

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