害怕 pt.1

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the room was white and fade. the people were fade. and she was fade. she was so pale that she looked like a ghost, and only then did they realise how skinny she was. jin felt terrible. yoongi even more. and taehyung. he didn't know why but this broke his heart into tiny pieces. jimin felt his heart sink as he tried not to cry in front of the torturous sight he witnessed just a few hours ago.

he remembered everything. the smile on his face. the pleasure he had while torturing his victim. the feeling of pride. and worst of all. he assisted to winter's torture, but like a coward, he hid for his own good, and gave up on his long-time friend.

yes... he felt guilty. he was a guilty innocent.

h-he saw one of his closest friends i-in... in...

urgh... i should've done something about it.

not letting tears drop was almost impossible, even more as he knows he should've been the one laying on this bed. not her.

but jimin was a coward. he was a stupid and worthless coward. his friend had always been the one taking the bullet in his place, and never had he tried to change it.

something took jimin out of his thoughts. a voice. a woman's voice. his friend's voice.

she was awake.

'jimin? what are you doing here?' winter asked him, confused as to why they were in a hospital.

'win, you don't remember?'

she slowly shook her head from right to left. and this made him sigh.

'taehyung found you on the floor at pattie's... and... and you were bleeding.'

it seemed to him that at the moment he explained to her the situation, all her memories came back.

jimin could swear he saw tears at the corner of her eyes. but she quickly shook her head to stop them from falling. because she knew that if she let the first tear drop, she wouldn't be able to stop anymore. and even if yoongi and jin were sleeping, they would wake up eventually after hearing her cry.

'where's taehyung?...' she asked him.

'he went to get us coffee, he'll be back in a-'

'yah! jiminie! here's your coffee!'

'ah taehyung i swear to god i'm going to kill you someday! don't shout for god's sake!' jimin whispered.

winter, whom kept her head down when the boy arrived, was biting her inferior lip trying to keep her tears to herself.

'winter... are you alright?' the black haired boy asked worriedly.

to be honest, winter was scared. scared to death. not only by what they might do to her if they ever found out, but also by the pity this guy might feel towards her at this moment. and as illogical as it might sound, but she wanted him to know. with all of her heart. he... he was the one whom saved her, but letting her walls fall and trust him was too hard for her. she was now used to suspecting everybody, and now that somebody that was willing to help her came into her life, she couldn't do it. she didn't understand herself.

and as crazy as it might seem. winter wanted to tell him that she was scared. she wanted it so bad. but she was not used to opening up. so she opened her mouth, sighing, ready to tell him how she truly felt, but just as she was about to tell him the truth, she hesitated. and the sound of the words she was willing to pronounce changed from 'save me' to 'i'm fine'

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