sun tzu pt.1

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winter was sitting at her usual comfy place at a cafe called pattie's, even though there was no pattie working in here, just an old grumpy man whom became her father figure when she was still a kid. well ok, she kind of forced him to take care of her but that's not what we were talking about.

so as i was saying, she was sitting at her usual comfy place at pattie's, and enjoying her socalled break since the only people in there were grumpyman and her. and while he was cleaning the tables while rapping what only god knows, she was there, reading a book, and completely focused.

well, not really.

because if she was really really focused she wouldn't have been annoyed by a certain min yoongi who was doing his best to ruin her reading session.

'yah, yoongi-ah! stop it! can't you see i'm reading?'

'aish this kid!' he muttered. 'stop screaming! have some respect for your elder. ah kids these days.' he shouted.

'oh god! you call me a kid?! then what are you? a baby?!' she shouted back.

'yes. a baby genius.' he said, with a smerk on his face. 'plus what were you reading that was this important?'

'sun tzu.'

'sun in the zoo?!'

'no pabo, sun tzu, a chinese philosopher.'

'ah no wonder i never heard of him...' he said

'no wonder your brain is as big as a dick.' she said back.

'language!' an anonymous voice shouted from behind.

a client?

if by client you mean someone who just comes to eat the cakes without paying, then you're right. it's a client.

'seokjin hyung! tell her to respect me!' plaided yoongi, fake crying.

'i'd like to but i'm just going to shut up and go see what's left to eat.'

'you come here just for food don't you?'

'you know me so well winwin!' he shouted while heading for the kitchen.

she sighed, annoyed by her elders' attitude. sometimes she felt like a mother to them, always taking care of them. and it made her tired. very tired. but it was worth it, because they were the only people keeping her company.

and that was what she needed.

she turned back to sit but she was stopped by her beloved boss who decided to really ruin her day and by this, i mean, make her work.

to be honest, winter's not by any mean a spoiled girl, she's just not used to work.

you don't understand?

ok, i'll try to explain better. so basically, even thought pattie's sold very good food and beverages, it was a pretty unknown place. so not many customers came here, and winter didn't have to work a lot.

'yoongi, you know i love you right?'

'ah winter-ah, your aegyo won't work today. see suga's very very tired today, and so he decided to make you work.'

'but you're always tired, also there's no customer!'

'well, guess what: there's a beginning to everything.' he said

and then, he left towards the comfort of his fluffy bed, leaving winter alone.

'what are you going to do?' said a voice behind her. bingo.

'i'm going out.' she said blankly.

'b-but, you have work winwin.' replied jin, confused.

'oh this! you'll do it, right?'

'who told you so?'

'i'll pay you food.'

'whenever you want princess.'


winter felt the need to go out. it was an urge. she didn't know why, but she felt as if it was a do or die situation. maybe it was because she wanted to be alone. but she'd never be alone. there will always be people around her. and this made her sick. it made her feel like a weird specimen that was being explored. she felt like a laboratory rat.

or maybe that was the truth. an ugly truth that she couldn't admit. that she didn't want to admit.

she needed to get this off her chest. but who would listen to her? yoongi? well he was too busy with his rap to notice how his sister was feeling and jin was only there for food, so obviously she'd just zip it and act normally.

eatjin 🍝:
yah winter come back quickly! your brother is getting angry!

winter ❄️:
aish can't you fucking let me breathe for like 2 minutes.

eatjin 🍝:
that's the point win, you've been out for nearly 2 hours.
please just come back yoongi's starting to shout.

she sighed while putting her phone back in her pocket. she didn't want to come back home, because she knew how yoongi would be angry, and she knew how jin would try to calm him down, and she was sick of all this shit. because they still didn't understand why she acted like this.

10 minutes later, she was in front of the door, looking for her keys. but suddenly the door flew open, only to show a furious version of yoongi.

'brother...' she mumbled, suddenly feeling so scared.

'get in.' he said sternly. not even looking at her.

she did as she was told, and sat on the sofa while yoongi sat in front of her, with jin between them.

'you two need to talk.'


hi guys! i don't know if this is good enough for a first chapter but i hope you'll like it. also this is just the 1st part because i decided to make 2 parts of each chapter.

i love you guys.

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