1984 pt.1

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that night, neither winter or jimin couldn't sleep. they knew that at the moment they'd close their eyes, the images of what happened to them previously would come back. and neither of them wanted to wake up jin and yoongi, so they just kept staring at the ceiling of their respective rooms. thinking. thinking. thinking.

thinking, why was life so unfair to them? they didn't do anything wrong. they didn't kill a soul, they didn't rob or agress someone. they... they were the victims, not the culprits, but... but they were not treated fairly. the responsable of their martyr is out there. free. walking. breathing. and controlling them like a psychopath. like a predator watches his prey, he watches his preys without leaving them alone. he is always there. he will alwayd be there. he will never go away. and they... they just got to live with it. accept the mere and sad truth. i am never going to be free.

it was like in that book, 1984, the protagonist, winston smith, was them, and big brother. the vile big brother, was him. except, our dear winston smith, along with all the people in oceania, never really saw their ruthless comandant. unlike them, who knew him, who saw him, and who had the honor to be hurt by him. and the worst part is that they can tell nobody. not yoongi. not jin. nobody.

it felt as if... as if they were alone on an island, with no phones to call for help, with no food to stay alive, only a bit of water so that they could be alive to keep suffering. maybe this was their only purpose in terrible world.

to endure the pain.

as they were both thinking about their lives, someone knocked on winter's door. with a little difficulty, she stood up to open the door, and she saw yoongi. he was not used to waking up at midnight, so there might be something going on.

'hey sis. can we talk for a second?' he asked her.

'yoongi, can't this wait until tomorrow morning?'

'sure, but tomorrow you have class, and you know when you come back home.' he told her, matter of factly.

she thought for a second. he's right.

'ok, go on.'

'ok so do you remember jimin?'

'your bestfriend from highschool? that short and cute guy whom used to come everyday to eat all of your bakeries?'

yoongi couldn't contain his laugh after winter's description, but he managed to continue.

'he doesn't know where to stay. he's parents passed away and his family doesn't want him anymore, so i thought maybe we could let him stay with us. that's if you're ok with it, of course.'

she didn't see why she wouldn't accept. park jimin used to be her classmate, and he was the only that never made fun of her. indeed, he was always nice to her, and he treated her like he'd treat his sister. and when she started to become more social, he left her, leaving only a little poem that he had written to her the day before.

'nous avons ris ensemble,
nous avons pleuré ensemble,
et malgré les difficultés, nous sommes restés soudés,
je sais que la vie a été sans pitié,
mais malgré tout souris,
car en un beau jour d'été,
ton bonheur sera retrouvé'

this poem, winter always carried it. wherever she was, it would always be with her, and whenever she'd feel lonely, those words would never fail to stop her from giving up.

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