печаль pt.1

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it has been a week now that winter was discharged from the hospital and to say that she was fine would be a lie. she has been isolating herself, only coming out of her room to go to school and when jin forced her to come out to eat. those were the only times they could see her, and when they saw her, the first thing they noticed was her tear stained face, which was kind of hard to ignore. but the most heart-breaking thing was her cries when she thought that nobody heard her.

also a lot of things happened this last week. taehyung became an official worker as well as jimin. the latter also started to attend the same school as jimin and she was the only friend he had. he was her only friend too. but instead of going together to work, he'd go alone, and she would join him there a few hours later. mostly at seven.

the same thing happened today. after school ended, he and winter parted ways. she was heading to her secret place while he was heading to work. on his way to the café, he kept thinking about everything and nothing. about himself, and his life, and his torture.

he has been exposed to pain eversince he could remember, so he should be used to it by now. but still, when he thought it wouldn't be worse, it actually did become worse. this was one of the reasons why he went to the U.S, thinking he would forget and have a better life. he had a better life, but never forgot.

jimin sighed as he finally noticed the tears that started to fall silently from his dull eyes. as he was closer to the café he wanted to calm himself down because he knew that the guys would notice his tear-stained face.

after calming himself, he opened the door, only to find the café full of people. unsurprisingly. you see, after jimin and taehyung started to work there, they wanted to keep it a secret from their classmates, but you know how teens are, right? better than fbi agents.

apparently, once, a student was passing by and saw the two teenagers. as they were wearing aprons she quickly deducted that they were working there. she told her friends, whom told their friends, and quickly the whole school was aware.

the boy sighed. how was he going to go through this? he had no idea. but he just hoped for the best.

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