She Don't Like The Lights

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-This song inspired this one shot-


"Baby you know we can't say cooped up in this apartment all day right?" I say standing up from the couch. Putting my hands in my pockets.

Jo and I are in L.A for a few weeks due to a After cast photo shoot.

"Hero you know I hate paparazzi and risking someone recognizing us. I like my privacy." She walks over to me from the small kitchenette and wraps her little arms around my body. "I just don't like all the attention sometimes. It's so overwhelming." Jo muffles her words into my chest.

Part of me understood why Jo was like this. Mainly because she wasn't brought up into this world revolving around fame. She had a normal life growing up.

I on the other hand, grew up with Martha Fiennes as a mother. The award winning director herself. My siblings and I's childhood was anything but normal. Even though my mother and father tried their hardest to give us a normal childhood. It didn't work. Especially after Harry Potter.

"I have an idea." I breathe into her hair. It smells like flowers and vanilla. One of my favorite scents.

I pull away from her embrace and grab my phone out of my pocket.

"Who are you calling?" She raises her eyebrow at me and crosses her arms in front of her chest, raising her breasts up farther. The littlest things about her turn me on nowadays.

"Hello Rebecca?" Jo's eyes go wide as I say the woman's name. "Yes it's been awhile. Listen could you possibly bring over the uh, you know. The stuff you did on me a few months ago?" Now Jo looks pissed. "Great! I'll text you the address." I hang up the phone and start to text Rebecca.

*cough cough*

"Um hello? Hero? Are you gonna tell me who the hell Rebecca is? And what in the hell shes bringing over that she did on you a few months ago?" Jo stares at me with that same stare I get when I don't wanna do the dishes.

"You'll find out in 30 or so minutes." I give her a little wink and walk to sit on the couch again.

"Guuuhhh!" She echos down the hallway and into our room.

She's gonna love this.


*knock knock*

"I got it! I got it! Let me let her in!" Jo comes running down the hallway. I can tell she's jealous for some reason. She shouldn't be. Jo is the only woman I see.

"Hello you must be Josephine. I've heard so many great things about you."

"Please come in." Jo stares at Rebecca's small suitcase she's pulling behind her.

"Hero! I haven't seen you since the football game a few months ago." Rebecca gives me a quick hug. I can feels Jo's questioning eyes.

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