Somewhere On A Beach (Part 6)

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"Hey baby, you sleep good?" Hero asks sitting up at the bar in front of me while I make a bowl of cereal.

"Yes I did, I'm gonna miss that bed when we go home."


"Hero can u grab me my phone please. Who's calling me?" I set my spoon back in the bowl and reach for my phone.

"It's Maria."

"I wonder why she's calling me I told her only to contact me if an emergency."


"Hey Maria what's wrong?"

"First of all I'm so sorry to interrupt your vacation and I wouldn't have called if it wasn't urgent. My computer went crazy and deleted all of your transcripts. Could you email them to me so I can send them off to the new roles you're auditioning for? Today is the deadline and my computer is just being crazy, I'm at the Apple store right now-."

"Maria slow down. Take a deep breath you're gonna be fine."

"I'm really sorry Jo. Please tell Hero I'm sorry."

"It's okay we'll be fine." Hero mouths over at me wondering what's wrong. I just hold up my finger and walk into our bedroom to finish the conversation.

"I just feel so bad you know. This was supposed to be your vacation away from work."

"Maria. I will grab my computer and email them to you right now. No need to worry. Hero will understand. Text me once you get them. And do not hesitate to call me again, you know my phone is always on me."

"Is everything alright Jo?" Hero puts his hands on my shoulders from behind me.

"Yes, I just need to grab my computer and go into town. Maria needs my transcripts for a new show I'm auditioning for. I'll be back later." I give Hero and quick kiss, grab my things, and hurry out of the house.


"Hero! I'm back." I look around the house but I can't find him. Only rose petals at my feet trailing outside to the beach. I set down my things and smile the whole way outside.

The sight I see makes me cry immediately.

"Hero what is all of this?" I manage to say through my tears.

There was candles all around the gazebo in the sand. As well as the most beautiful red roses I've ever seen.

"Well I just wanted to do something special for you. Here sit down I made dinner."

"You made me dinner! Hero!" I sit down and the tears start rolling again.

"Please don't cry baby." He wipes my tears with a napkin and kisses my swollen lips softly. "I made you my moms lasagna."

"Hero stop. This is so cute and thoughtful." I pick up my fork and start to dig in. "Oh my gosh this is amazing."

"Did you figure everything out with Maria?" Hero asks between bites.

"Yes. It took me so long because the WiFi here sucks and it all had to load. I'm sorry I took forever."

"Don't apologize babe. It's okay. It gave me time to set this up."

After we finished eating Hero started to become quiet.

"What's wrong Hero. You seem very quiet." I reach for his hand across the table.

"Jo." He takes a deep breath. "I've wanted to give you this for a while but I could never find the right time. I love you more than I ever thought I could love another human being. You're everything to me Jo. And with that I promise you I'll be here with you through thick and thin. I promise to love you no matter what, I promise to one day give you the ring you deserve." He reaches into his pocket and opens up the teal Tiffany box. Inside is a white gold infinity ring with tiny diamonds all around it. Hero takes out the ring and hands it to me.

"Hero. I- oh my gosh." I start to cry again. I take the ring out of his hand and put it on.

"I promise you'll get a better one day." He leans in and kisses my forehead.

"I love you." I stand up from my chair and wrap myself around him.

"I love you more. As much as I'd love to sit here and cuddle with you. Our flight leaves at 7:00, I think it's 5:00 right now. We better get our stuff together."


After hours of flying, Hero and I finally made it home. We both crashed on the couch while watching Eurovision. Even though our beautiful trip to Turks and Caicos couldn't last forever. My love for him always will.


THATS THE END OF THE 'Somewhere On A Beach' SERIES!! I'm so very sorry about this last chapter taking forever. I'm now on summer break so I'm gonna be available to update more. More one shots coming real soon! Let me know some ideas you all have for me. One shot ideas, story ideas in general, anything! <3

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