I Love Yous & Laser Tag

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"All right everyone listen up! Hero and I are team captains. We will each take turns on choosing who is on our teams. I'll go first."

"Wait a second. Who said you can choose first?" Hero is just as competitive as Sam. This is much more than a game to them.

"Fine. Josephine, do u have a coin in that giant ass purse of yours?" Sam always makes fun of my big purse. You have to be prepared for everything ya know?

"Of course I do." I roll my eyes at him and toss him the coin.

"Heads or tails. I'd choose wisely." Sam and hero are in this extremely intense stare down. Everyone just watches in silence.


The coin flings into the air and Sam catches it. He flips it over and we all rush around him to see what it landed on.

"TAILS BITCH HAHA I CHOOSE FIRST!" Sam hands me back the coin, but not before Hero mouths to him 'You're going down'.

"Alright! I know who I'm choosing first." Sam gives Hero a side smirk and looks straight at me.

"I swear if you pick her I'm-"

"Josephine! Welcome to the winning team! We don't have cookies but you have this hot ass team captain!"

I roll my eyes and stand next to him. Hero looks pissed.

"Fine! That just means I get Swen. Swen get your ass over here!"

Hero and Swen high five. Now Sam looks pissed.

Sam then picks Khadijah. Along with meadow and Pia.

While Hero picks Shane, inanna and Anna.

We all suit up in our laser tag gear and head over to the door.

My adrenaline is already racing. I feel hands suddenly rest on my shoulders and massage them gently.

"You ready to get your ass kicked?" Hero whispers in my ear. Oh two can play at this game.

"The real question is. Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Hero's hands are still on my shoulders.

"This!" The doors to the laser tag arena open and I hit one of Hero's chest targets. I sprint away from him so he won't be able to get me back.


I crouch down behind this small wall. Everyone who walks by I hit. None of them see me though. So I decide to get up and find a new spot. That's not until I see my chest target light up. I turn around to see Hero's face smirking at me. Even though it's almost pitch black, I can still him pretend to blow off the end of his laser gun like smoke is coming out of it.

"Told ya id get ya babe." I run over to Hero and jump into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

"Now that you have me what are you going to do with me?" I hover my lips over his.

"Mmm so many possibilities." Hero presses his lips to mine and I moan. His lips are so soft and gentle, butterflies start to invade my stomach.

Hero unclips my chest target off of me as I do the same to him.

"Do you think anyone will see us?" I whisper hoping no one can hear us either.

"We're behind a giant wall. I think we're fine."

Hero crashes his lips to mine again. This time adding his tongue to the mix. We both moan in unison.

I take a fist full of his hair while he grabs my ass with one hand and rubs my back with the other.

"Jo" he whispers "I- I-"

"What baby? What's wrong." I cup my hands around his face forcing him to stare at me.

Hero and I have been I don't know a thing I guess the whole time we've been filming. The cast knows there's something going on with us we just haven't told them yet. Anna on the other hand. She just knows everything.

"Jo I'm- I- I love you." Wait. What did he just say?

"You- you what?" Hero and I have never said I love you before. Some how I could tell he loved me, but we just never really said it.

"I love you. I've been in love with you. The first day we met I felt that spark, I know you felt it too. I knew I'd fall in love with you. You're everything I want and more. With your crazy organized schedule, your smart ass comments, your beautifully addictive laugh. I am in love with everything. Every little thing about you. I can't get you off my mind ever. You're the first thing I think of when I wake up, and you're the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. Jo, I'm so deeply in love with you."

Hero wipes away the tears streaming down my face that I didn't know were there.

"I know we're young and might not even know what love is, but when I'm with you, you make me feel alive. You make me feel myself. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love you. I love you so much it physically hurts me. You're my everything Hero. You're the first thing I think of when I wake up, and the last thing I think of before I go to sleep. Hero, I'm so deeply in love with you." I push my forehead up to his and wipe away the tears in his eyes before they fall onto his face.

"You're so beautiful." Hero whispers before turning us around so that my back is to the wall.

He gently nips up and down my neck, leaving little red marks in their wake. I can't see them but I know they're there.

"Hero." I moan. "You need to stop before we get caught." I pant, but Hero doesn't stop. He unhooks my legs from around his waist so that I'm standing in front of him. He now dips his hands in my bra and massages my breasts. But his mouth doesn't stop slowly torturing my neck.

All of a sudden the bright lights turn on and Hero pulls away from me.

"We better go now." Hero gives me a quick kiss and waits for me to situate myself before leaving.

"Well. Well. Well. Didn't see much of you guys after the first 10 minutes." Sam stares at Hero and I like we've been caught doing something. Which, we kind of are.

Hero pulls me closer to him by wrapping his arm around me.

"Sorry man. You have a hot ass girl friend like her and try to keep your hands off." I playfully swat his arm and he laughs.

"Yup this is my cue to leave now. I'll leave y'all to it." Sam gives us a quick wink and heads out with the rest of the cast.

"I meant what I said back there Jo. I love you." Hero wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close.

"I meant what I said too. I love you Hero." I lean up on my tippy goes and kiss him right in the middle of the laser tag entrance. Except we weren't alone.


"Ha I could have told ya that was coming."

Hero and I turn around to see our cast mates yelling and clapping at us.

"Welp. I guess they know now." Hero says in my hair as I hug him tight.

"Yeah. I guess they do."

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