London Love

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"Hero! Are we going shopping or not? I need to find a new dress for my friends birthday party tomorrow." Mercy whines standing in my bedroom doorway.

Ever since Jo and I got together I have been staying with her in L.A. I figured I should come home for a couple of months to see my mum and sister. As much as I love my family, I miss my girl more than words can explain. My days begin and end with her, and when she's not here with me I feel off.

But, even though I'm miserable without her I know she's fine. She's working on a new film 'Moxie'.  Not only is she having a great time, but I get to see pictures of her in a cute cheerleader uniform. I look forward to those pictures everyday.

"Hero I swear if you don't get your ass out of this bed I'm getting mum to come shove you out." This time she's tapping her foot.

I move to get up because I know she'll get mum. Even though I'm a grown man my mum will always see me as her baby boy. And with that, I can't disobey her. She knows that.

"Fine, fine. Let me get my shoes on." I pad over to my closet to slip on my trainers and pull a hoodie over my head. "I'm ready to go." I start to walk towards Mercy while shoving my wallet and keys in my pocket.

"You're wearing that?" She looks disgusted.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Well for starters your hoodie has holes. Also, you look homeless. When is the last time you brushed your hair?" I've been back home for a month. Every day I'm not with Jo I get more and more depressed. I know that isn't healthy but when you're in love like me, you'll understand.

"Holy hoodie, or no shopping. You decide." With that Mercy shuts up and walks towards the door.


"You know, instead of moping around waiting for her to call you, why don't you just call her?" Mercy has 10 different dresses around her arm and still looking for more.

"You also know, instead of trying to give me relationship advice, you should be trying on those clothes. I think you have enough options." I grab the stack out of her arms and give them to the sales associate to put in her dressing room.

"Fine. But I'm just saying. I hate it when you look like this. What if I see people I know? No one would believe my brother is a big time movie star if you were seen wearing that." She points to my outfit and walks to the dressing room. Her insults never hurt me. Mercy and I are so much closer than Titan and I. I love him, but we never hear from him unless it's one of our birthday's or a holiday.

I go to sit down on one of the chairs outside of the dressing rooms. For a small boutique in downtown London, the place feels huge. Mercy loves shopping here. I don't know why, neither of us can pronounce the name of it. We just call it "The store we can't pronounce." French was never my strong suit in primary school.

"Mercy you done yet?" I yell taking my phone out of my pocket to see I'm getting a call.

"Hold on Hero. This thing has too many buttons."

I check my screen to see the one person I've been waiting to here from is calling me.

"Hey uh I'm gonna step outside real quick. Gotta take this call." I book it out of the store before I give her a chance to answer.

I'm finally out in the cool breeze when I answer my phone.

"Hey baby! How was work?" I rest my back against the cold brick and listen to her every word.

"I thought you weren't going to pick up for a second. Work was good. I'm really tired." The time difference sucks but we make it work.

"I'll let you go to bed then." Please say no.

"No! I want to talk to you. I miss your voice." Thank God.

"I miss all of you. Mercy tells me I need to man up and stop moping around."

"She's right. We'll see each other in a month and all will be fine. I promise." She says yawning on the other end.

"Babe you should really go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I love you. So so much."

"I love you more. Tell Mercy and your mum I said hi."

"Will do. Talk tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." And she hangs up.

Just as I'm about to walk back into the store Mercy is already walking out with two huge bags in hand.

"You took too long so I stole your card and paid for everything I wanted."

"You stole my debit card?"

"No you silly. It was a joke. Lighten up a little. Where to next big bro?" She asks looping her arm around mine.


The next day I don't wake up until noon. As much as I'd like to go down stairs and eat, I don't feel like getting up. I'll probably just go back to bed.

Just as I'm about to go back to sleep Mercy yells at me from down stairs.

"Hero! You have a package for you down here!"

What the fuck did I order? I don't remember ordering anything.

"Mercy I didn't order anything." I say walking down the stairs.

"Oh I think you did." I turn the corner and there she is. My beautiful, sexy, tired, girlfriend.

"Jo! What are you doing here?" I pick her up by her hips and wrap her legs around me. God I've missed her warmth.

"I finished filming early. Now kiss me." I do as she says and crash my mouth on hers. Mercy leaves the room on her own. I'm glad because I didn't want to stop kissing Jo to tell her to leave.

"I've missed you. So much." Jo whispers as our foreheads connect.

"I'm never letting you go." I squeeze her thighs and walk us up to my room. Having her thousands of miles away makes my world stop spinning. Now that she's here, my world has just exploded with excitement. That's what happens when you meet your sole mate. Your world begins and ends with them.


Hey guys! So sorry for the longggggg wait for an update. I've had writers block for a while now. I hope you like this one shot!

Alena ♡

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