Baignoire Sexe

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"Hey baby, what are you doing?" Jo sits down on the couch next to me in our small little sitting area in our hotel.

"Nothing just reading, how are you feeling today?" I reach over to touch her forehead with the back of my hand. "You don't have a fever so that's good."

"Yeah, I feel better after taking all those naps."

Jo starts to get up from the couch but stops herself.

"Oh my god Hero." She grips the couch arm.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I immediately get up to try and help her.

"I think I pulled a muscle in my back."

"Okay, okay, just sit down and I'll bring you something." I rest my hand on her back to help her sit back down on the couch.

I hurry to our bathroom to try to find some Ibuprofen.

"Toothpaste, hair brush, tampons, q-tips, where the fuck is the Ibuprofen?" I say out loud to myself.

I go into our bedroom and find them on the night stand. No idea how those got there.

"Here love you can take 4 of them. I'll get you your water."

"Thank you." She takes the pills and water from me and starts to rub her head with her fingers. "If it's not food poisoning it's something else."

"I might have an idea."

"What is it?" She asks with her eyes closed and still rubbing her head.

"It's a surprise. Hold tight."


"Hero! It's been 10 minutes. You okay?"

"Okay it's ready now." I say coming to stand in front of her to help her up. "Put your hands on my arms. But not too fast so it doesn't hurt your back."

"What did you do?"

"You'll see." I smirk as I'm walking her into our bathroom.

"Hero! You did this for me?" Jo's face lights up like a Christmas tree.

"Of course I did."

"Mmm it smells like rose and vanilla. How'd you get all of this stuff?"

"Well the bubbles were already here, as well as the candles. And I just put the rose petals from the flowers that were in the kitchen, in here."

"You made a whole ass bubble bath for me?" She turns herself around to look at me in my eyes.

"I'll do anything for you babe." I dip my head down to give her a quick kiss.

"You coming in with me?" Jo asks as she takes off her shirt and bra.

"I planned on it."

After all our clothes are off Jo gets in first and I slide in behind her. Damn this water feels nice.

"My back feels better already. Does this tub have jets?"

"I think so hold on." I look around the tub and finally I find the jet button.

Suddenly all the jets come to life. The rose and vanilla aroma is much nicer than I thought. I haven't been this relaxed since Jo and I got couples massages back in London. That shit was amazing.

"Does this feel nice?" I start to massage her lower back under the water. But instead of her saying yes or no, I get a soft moan in return.

Jo takes my hands from behind her, and guides them to her perfect boobs. I lightly knead them and she rests her head on my chest. I love how when she wants something, she isn't afraid to say or do it.

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