Tequilia Shots

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*buzz buzz*


"Yeah, uh sorry to bother you I know it's like what 2 am? I figured since we just got done filming and we didn't have dinner, that I'd stop and get us some tacos and tequila."

"Oh my gosh yes I'm starving and I'd love a drink! When will you be over?" I ask getting up from my hotel room bed to look out the window.

"Right now." I can hear the smile he has on the other side of the phone.

I stride over to the door and swing it open. To find a tall, dimpled, baseball capped man holding a bag of taco truck tacos and a giant ass bottle of tequila.

"Don't worry I have limes and shit in the bag." Hero comes through my hotel room and sits everything on the table next to the tv.

"Hero you didn't have to do this. I could have paid for at least something." I sit down on the edge of my king bed and look at Hero taking out all the food.

"Don't worry about it sweetheart." Hero gives me a quick wink and I laugh. "I'll tell ya what, tomorrow night I'll let you pick up dinner and the drinks and we'll meet in my room. Sound good?" Hero goes back to sorting out the tacos and slicing limes.

"Sounds perfect. Can I help you with anything?"

"Nope. Maybe find something on tv maybe? Perhaps a marvel movie is on?"

"Don't gotta tell me twice!" I jump off the bed to retrieve the tv remote on the night stand.

After finally settling on Black Panther, Hero and I sit cross legged in front of each other on the bed, eating tacos and taking a shot every now and then.

"How about we play a drinking game?" Hero asks taking a bite of his taco.

"Sure. I'm down. We don't have to be on set until noon tomorrow anyways." Hero and I get a late call time tomorrow since today's was early and went late. So why not play a drinking game with the person you make out with every day and are starting to have feelings for? What could go wrong?

"Let's play, 2 truths and a lie. If you get my 2 truths and a lie correct I have to take a shot. But if you get it wrong you have to take a shot. Same goes the other way around. Sound good?" Hero sits up straighter and grabs the bottle of tequila.

"Oh prepare to get shit faced my friend, I can smell bullshit a mile away. Let's do this." I move all the taco trash to the table and grab all the cut up limes.

"I'll go first." Hero moves so our knees are touching each other. The slightest bit of any physical contact with him makes me explode. Even while filming. I can tell he feels the same way too because once our knees touch he lets out this soft moan like sound that I don't think I was meant to hear.

"I still live with my mum, I have 30 beanies that are all the same color and I've never had a true girlfriend before." I'm stunned by the last thing he said. There's no way that's the truth, he made this so easy for me.

"Well." I fold my arms in my lap before I speak. "Your 2 truths are you still live with your mom, and you have 30 beanies that are the same color. Your lie is you've never had a true girlfriend before. Ha! Drink up kid." I reach for the bottle of alcohol from Hero's lap but he snatches it before I can.

"Oh no you don't missy. You're wrong."

"I'm wrong? There's no way that you- wait." I look Hero in his green eyes. "You've never had a girlfriend?" Hero just shakes his head no and hands me the bottle.

"Why? I thought that Elle girl you talked about before was." I take a swig of the alcohol straight. I like the burn.

"She definitely doesn't count. I was like 16 and stupid. We had a thing yeah, but nothing that I would consider her to be my girlfriend."

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