Somewhere On A Beach (Part 4)

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"Hero?" I roll over to the other side of the bed and he's not there. "Where the hell is he?" I whisper trying to look around the large room to try and find a note.

Last night was amazing. After the luau Hero and I came back to our house, drank some champagne, watched a few movies, had sex, had some more sex. Everything we do together is amazing. But there's something about being on his beautiful island that makes me appreciate everything he does for me even more.

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and grab my phone off the night stand. No texts from Hero. No texts from anyone. I decide to walk in the kitchen to see if there's a note in there. On top of the counter has an envelope that reads "my love". I smile to myself and open it up.

"Good morning babe. I'm sorry I didn't wake you before I left. You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you. I went to the main island for a while. I cut you up some fruit before I left. It's in the fridge if you're hungry. I shouldn't be long. I'll be back around 11:30. I love you so much."

I reach for my phone to check the time. Hero should be back in 30 minutes. So that's not too long. I wonder what he's doing. He probably wouldn't tell me if I asked. This whole trip has been a huge surprise for me. I love the surprises. But I hate not knowing what's coming next. I walk over to the fridge to retrieve the cut up fruits. Hero knows how I love fresh fruit.

I walk over the the kitchen table and start to fork out each tiny piece into my mouth. I decide to check my phone for a while. I haven't been on it since we arrived here. All of a sudden I get a call.

"Anna!" I yell into the phone.

"Hello honey! How's Turks and Caicos?"

"Wonderful! Wait, you knew?"

"Of course I knew. I'm the one who packed your bag."

"You did?!"

"Yeah. Do you really think Hero folded all of that? You know how he just throws shit into a bag and calls it a day." Now that I think about it. The folding was too impressive to be him.

"When did you come over to pack it?"

"Last Friday. 2 days before you guys left. Hero called me that night and told me about the trip and that he needed help packing your bag so you didn't know where you were going. He said you were out grocery shopping so I came over that night and left before you got back."

"So...that means you know everything Hero has planned."



"I'm not allowed to tell you anything. But I can tell you. That I slipped something for you in the top pocket of your bag. Go open it with me on the phone."

"Okay." I get up from the table and walk into our bedroom where my suitcase is. I set my phone on the floor on speaker and unzip the bag next to it.

"Did you find it?"

"Anna Renee Todd! You packed me this?!" I hold up the items in front of me to examine them.

"I just bought you a couple of sexy items you know. They're your size so they should fit."

"Thank you Anna." I say with a chuckle.

"You know I got you babe. Wheres Hero let me talk to him."

"He's not here right now. I don't know where he went."

"Oh yeah. He's probably getting the- oh shit. Never mind."

"Uh hun." I'm always out of the loop.

"I'll call him later. Welp, shave your legs, put on the lingerie tonight. Hero will love it. Strut your stuff girl. I love and miss you so much."

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