Somewhere On A Beach (Part 1)

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"Baby, it's time to wake up." Hero whispers in my ear.

"Ugghhh what time is it?" I roll over and cover my face into the pillow.

When Hero told me he had a surprise for me last night, I didn't think it involved getting up at the ass crack of dawn.

"3am. We need to get going soon." I feel Hero shift off the bed and walk into the bathroom.

"Why?" I sit up. "We're going somewhere?" Hero walks back into our room and pulls the suitcases out of the closet.

"I told you, it's a surprise. You'll find out later. But right now you need to get up, our flight leaves in 2 hours."

I rub the sleep out of my eyes and reach for my glasses on my night stand. I climb out of the bed and head to the bathroom.

"I already packed your suit case so only thing you need to do is pack your bathroom things." Hero yells from our room. Where the hell are we going? Last night we were watching tv and all of a sudden he looks at me and says "I have a surprise for you tomorrow, don't ask where or what we're doing, you'll find out." I just said okay and didn't think nothing of having to wake up so God damn early. I'm definitely not a morning person.


"Can you give me a hint at least?"

"You'll find out when we're boarding." Hero gives me a quick wink, and my hand little squeeze as we walk to our gate from going through TSA. LAX is always so crowded, luckily none of our fans know we're flying today so it's not as crazy as our tour was. That was wild.

"You're gonna regret wearing those joggers and a long sleeve shirt." We both approach the gate and the lady announcing our flight gets on the intercom.

"Flight number 2278 flying to Turks and Caicos Islands will be boarding shortly. Could we please have our first class passengers line up by the gate. Thank you and enjoy your flight."

"That's why you shouldn't wear what you're wearing." Hero smiles and picks up my purse off the floor, and starts to walk in the first class line.

"First of all, we're going to Turks and fucking Caicos?! Oh my God. And second, we're first class?" Hero and I both stop in line.

"Yes and yes. I thought since we've been traveling on tour so much that we could have our own private vacation. You know. No fans, no interviews, no hopping from place to place. I just thought it would be nice to get away for a bit." Tears start to come to my eyes but I immediately wipe them away. Hero's kind and gentle heart gets me sometimes.

"Hero I don't know what to say." I say, as he wipes one of my tears escaping from my eye with his thumb.

"How about you say you love me?"

"I love you more than you'll ever know." I lean up on my tippy toes and give him a quick but passionate kiss.

"Flight number 2278 to Turks and Caicos Islands is now boarding. Everyone welcome aboard."

Hero takes out our boarding passes and we board the giant air craft. My heart is racing. I'm so excited but so nervous at the same time. What does he have planned? Where are we staying? What kind of food are they gonna have? I've never been to Turks and-

"Jo? You okay love?" Hero snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, yeah of course just thinking." I sit down in the most comfortable airplane seat I've ever sat in. Damn first class is nice.

"Anything you'd like to share?" Hero asks as he clips his seatbelt on.

"Mamosa you two?" The brunette flight attendant with huge boobs asks as she stares at Hero. But he pays no attention.

"Yes please." I reply sweetly and taking Hero's hand in mine.

"So, are you gonna tell me anymore about this secret vacation?" I lean over closer to Hero sitting by the window.

"Nope. You'll find out when we're there." Hero doesn't even look at me when he responds, he just flips through the pages of the complementary magazine that was in the seat pocket.

"Ugghhh! Fine!" I pout and take my mamosa from the big boobed brunette. Hero just chuckles and squeezes my hand harder. Ha! Take that! You see that? You see that? He's mine.

"I promise you'll love it." He says as he takes his champagne.

"I know I will." We both clink our glasses and gulp down our drinks.

"Now go to sleep, we have an 8 hour plane ride." I set my drink down and snuggle up to Hero's arm. He kisses the top of my head and the plane takes off. I can't believe we're actually going on vacation together. Just him. Just me. Just us. I couldn't be happier.


Aaaaa so sorry I haven't updated in a while! I thought it would be a fun idea to make a long one shot that has several parts to their vacation! There's so much stuff I wanna put in there so it just made sense to split it up. I hope you enjoy :) part 2 coming tomorrow.

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