Chapter 5

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Sweetpaw was walking with Speckledheart up to Moon Lake. She got to know the other medicine cats. There was Roseleaf from Rain Clan, Badgerpelt from Night Clan, and Icefoot and Brightpaw from Sun Clan. So far Sweetpaw was getting along with Brightpaw, but Sweetpaw was so shy, and Brightpaw, like Blossompaw, was not. “So, how do you like being Medicine cat apprentice? Do you think it’s fun? Is Speckledheart nice to you?” “Please, not a lot of questions.” Sweetpaw said quietly. “I’m sorry I didn’t hear you” Sweetpaw repeated what she said, more loudly. “Oh, sorry” Brightpaw apologized, “Hey! We’re here!” Sweetpaw looked up, and she saw the most beautiful lake she’d ever seen, well it was the first lake she’d ever seen, but it was still beautiful. Speckledheart came up to her. “We have to do a ceremony, and since this is your first time here you’re not supposed to tell anyone about your dream.” “My dream?” “You’ll see” and then Speckledheart began the ceremony. Sweetpaw, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of Star Clan as a medicine cat?” “It is.” “Then come forward.”, but it wasn’t over yet, “Warriors of Star Clan, I present you with this apprentice. She has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant her your wisdom and insight so that she may understand your ways and heal her Clan in accordance with your will.” Then all the other medicine cats drank from the lake, and Sweetpaw did the same, and fell asleep. Sweetpaw woke up, or so she thought. She was somewhere else. She was surrounded by flowers, trees, and grass and it smelled wonderful. Then another cat came into sight. “Who, who are you?” Sweetpaw asked. The strange cat smiled, “I am Goldenheart, your mentor’s mentor.” “Are you from the Star Clan?” Sweetpaw asked. “Indeed, and I have to tell you a secret.” Goldenheart said. Sweetpaw wondered what this secret was.  “You mustn’t tell anyone until I tell you to, and only to who I tell you to tell. Can you promise me this?” “Yes” Sweetpaw answered bravely. Goldenheart smiled. “There is something special about your sister. She will rise above all other cat, but you mustn’t tell her, or it could change her destiny” “I won’t” “Good” Goldenheart replied and then she started to walk away. “Wait! Don’t go!” Goldenheart only purred and said “Don’t worry you’ll see me again.” Then Sweetpaw woke up, for real this time. “Did you have a good dream?” Speckledheart asked. “Yes.” “Good, congratulations on your first dream by the way.” “Thank you Speckledheart” On the way back Brightpaw continued to ask questions until they had to separate, but Sweetpaw didn’t pay attention, she was too busy thinking about Goldenheart and what she had said.

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