Chapter 1

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"If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain." The man sang from the drivers seat of the Milano. He guided his ship through
the starry sky. "If you're not into yoga, if you have half a brain." I sang as I came around the corner. Peter jumped, causing the ship to rock a little. "What the hell Y/n?!" I laughed as Peter yelled. He rolled his eyes as I took a seat in the empty passengers seat. "So what's the plan?" I said. Peter rolled his eyes again and groaned.
"I've already told you." He said.
"Then tell me again."
"We're going to stop an attack on Xander." I looked over at him in confusion. "Wait, but isn't that where the Nova Corps headquarters are located?" I asked. "Yep. But I guess even they need the Guardians of the Galaxy." Peter said, sitting up in the his seat.
"Well aren't you just a humble piece of sh-"
"No cursing on my ship Y/n." He interrupted.
"Sorry." I scoffed.
"Just because I saved your ass doesn't mean-"
"Hey, no cursing on your ship." I interrupted with a laugh. Peter tolled his eyes once more.
"We'll be landing in a few short minutes. Go suit up Y/n. And tell everyone else too."
"See ya later Quill."
"See ya Red." Peter responded.
A year ago, my entire family was killed. I was then taken by the Collector a few months due to my powers. I have the power of Intangibility, meaning my atoms are altered to where I can do things such as walking through walls. I also can fly and I have these red force fields that send people into shock when they're hit. When I use these powers, my hair turns a dark shade of red. My eyes do the same when I'm really angry.
I walked around the corner and saw Groot sitting in one of the chairs, playing Defender on some kind of Earth device from Peter.
Rocket sat in the corner, messing around with some sort of device. Most likely turning it into a bomb, as usual.
"Peter says to get ready. We're about to land."
"God. Can't Quill just give us a break for once?" Rocket complained. "I am Groot." Groot said, rolling his eyes. "Not okay Groot!" I yelled. "There's no need to bad mouth Peter like that." Groot rolled his eyes once more before returning back to his game. "Just get ready to go please." I begged. Rocket gave me a thumbs up before returning back to his work. I felt the ship land as Gamora and Drax walked down the hall.
"Let's move out!" Peter ordered just before we exited the ship. "Sheesh. Here we go again." Rocket complained. "You do know that as 'leader' if one of us gets killed, it's on you."
"Yeah Rocket, I know. At least I'm responsible enough to have taken on the role of leader."
"Responsible? Peter, I saw you playing with two trolls dolls on our last mission, which caused you to get lose two of the criminals."
"Oh shut up Y/n. You have no idea what you're talking about." Gamora rolled her eyes at Peter. "This is a conversation between a fifteen year old and a thirty-five year old. And the fifteen year old is right." Peter grabbed his gun, ignoring Gamora. "I'm thirty-four." He mumbled.
We walked into the Nova Corps Headquarters. I felt a bit uneasy considering I had been there before. I forgot to mention, after my family was killed, I lived on the streets. So of course, I was a petty  thief. So before Peter took me in, I had quite a few units on me.
"You alright Y/n?" Peter asked, laying a hand on my back. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I stuttered.
One of the guards guided us down the large hall. He created a path as he marched us to one of the main rooms. A familiar woman, by the name of Irani Rael stood at the head of the large table.
"Ms. Rael?" Gamora spoke softly.
"Hello Guardians." She answered. A slight tone of disgust crept into her voice.
"I didn't know who else to call. And I knew no one would be dumb enough to go on a mission such as this." Rael continued.
"Sheesh. At least we aren't dumb enough to have that god awful hair." I joked. Peter stepped on my foot making me tense up.
"What the hell was that for?" I whisper yelled.
"Just shut up Y/n." Peter insisted.
"Fine." I said rolling my eyes. Rael didn't hear any of our bickering as she continued speaking. "A large portion of members of the Tivan Group are supposed to be arriving on the E section of the planet. About a twenty minute trip on your ship."
"Wait. The Tivan Group? Isn't their leader the Collector?" Peter questioned.
Rael nodded in response. "We have reason to believe they are after our supply of weapons. Such as necroblasters."
"So all we've gotta do is stop these idiots from getting to some weapons. That'll be easy." Rocket noted. Rael rolled her eyes and sent a guard to guide us out of the hall.
"Relax, we got it." Rocket grunted. We all walked onto the ship. Drax bid well to the guards just as the door closed.
"I think this'll be a nice easy mission." Peter insisted. "Just gotta kill a few bad guys and we can get off this hell hole."
"They're Tivans Quill. They have access to many weapons." Drax noted.
"I mean, their leader is the Collector. So it kinda makes sense." I implied.

Not long after, we landed in the E section. We had formed a small plan but knowing us, we'll end up winging it.
We all figured out who would be doing what from Peter's orders. Everyone nodded, including a grunt from Rocket. Just then, everyone split. I followed Peter down the hall.
Suddenly, the lights turned purple, making the room go dark. My hair instantly turned dark red as I heard footsteps growing louder from down the hall.
"Someone's there." I whispered. I grabbed Peter's hand and pulled him behind me. My fists turned red and my feet left the floor. I lifted my hands up and sent a red wave through the hall. A loud scream came from down the hall. "All clear." I said, motioning for Peter to follow. "Man! That never gets old!"
"Shhh!" We quickly tip toed down the hall, aware of the unconscious bodies on the floor.
But as we walked on, there was a sudden BOOM from down the path we had already come from.
"Oh come on!" Peter complained. Peter and I sprinted down the hall where we found the rest of the Guardians eyeing the blast from down the street. Chaos arose all around us. For those who were not hit, they fled quickly from the scene. But we ran towards it.
Suddenly, a chill was sent through my spine and a blast hit a nearby building. The blast had gone right through me. I turned around and felt my eyes glow red.
I sent a wave of red, hitting three men running towards us. The sound of blasters could be heard from all directions. I could hear someone running towards me, but I turned around and punched them square in the jaw before they could hit me first.
The fight had gone for what felt like hours. But it was finally done. "Good work everyone. Let's get back to the ship." Peter ordered.
Just as we began our way back, another blast came from behind us. I felt a sharp pain in my back, making me hit the ground.
"Y/n!" Peter yelled. He came rushing to my side, followed by the others. I felt my body rising up. Everyone stared at me with scared eyes. I blue ray wrapped itself around me.
Then, I was shot up into space. I kept going, but I couldn't feel anything. It continued to feel as though I was falling. I suddenly hit the ground with a thud. It took me a moment to regain my energy before I could stand up. But once I did, I noticed everything was different. I had landed on the concrete ground, making a small circle. I pulled myself up and looked around. There were tall buildings everywhere. People stared at me, making me extremely uncomfortable. Most had small rectangular objects of all different colors pointed at me.
I walk over to one man. He stared at me nervously. "Where-where are we?" I asked.
"Queens, New York." He answered.
"What planet is this?" I continued. "Earth?" He said. I looked around the scene around me. "What the hell?" I mumbled.

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