Chapter 8

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Sirens screamed through the city streets. People wailing from all around as the stars shined above them. My body shot up, sitting up straight in my bed. "What the hell?" I mumbled under my breath. Tossing my sheets aside, I hurled my legs over my bed and let them guide me towards the window.
I opened the door, letting the wind flow into my room. More police cars raced down the street, red and blue lights flashing all along the windows.
I looked back and forth down the hallway. No doors were open. Then I looked out the window where I could see Peter's window, which was still sealed shut.
"Well, if Peter isn't going to, I met as well." I ran towards my closet and dug through my clothes. At the bottom laid a case. I opened it and pulled out my suit.
Quickly slipping it on, and placing my mask on my face, I unlocked the window. After sliding out, I closed the window behind me.
I looked out into the city below me as I began to fly. Since I haven't used my powers in so long, it felt like I was finally free. But I knew the mission I had made for myself.

I quickly zipped through the city, following the police cars from up above. Thinking they would lead me right to the scene of the crime, I began to feel a bit uneasy. I knew something was wrong. Just like Peter always says, my spidey sense were tingling.
I stopped in midair, but stayed hovering. A sudden CRASH came from behind me. Jerking my body around, I suddenly came face to face with a car hurtling towards me.
"Shit!" I yelled. Holding my hands out in front of my, I managed to catch the car.
"Well I guess I can add super strength to my list of powers." I joked to myself. I slowly let myself down, gently setting the car down.
I looked up and saw a figure walking towards me. But more specifically, a woman. Her blonde, loosely curled hair laid upon her shoulders. Her green and black suit, along with her black knee high boots, signifying her villainous personality.
"Haven't seen you here before. You new?" She spoke.
"You could say that." I responded. Before I could utter another word, she shot her gun. The bullet came hurtling towards me. But it flew right through me, as though I wasn't there.
"Dang new kid. I guess this may be a little trickier than I thought."
"What the hell are you talking about?" Instead of answering, she ran towards me. She was quick, but not quick enough. I bolted up into the air and sent a force field towards her. But instead of stunning her like usual, it just pushed her to the ground.
As she stood up, her wounds were already healing. I suddenly felt my legs being swept out from under me, making her fall down onto my back.
The woman stood above me. Her mischievous green eyes staring into mine. The heel of her boot was digging into my chest, making me scream out. I began to struggle for air as she tightly wrapped her hand around my neck.
Both my hair and eyes turned red. I could feel myself getting stronger, but not strong enough.
I wrapped my hands around her ankle, trying to throw her off. I pushed her off and sent another force field towards her, catching her off guard.
"You're not getting rid of me that-" With a loud THWIP, the woman was stuck to the wall, covered in webs.
"Oh no." I mumbled under my breath.
"Didn't mean to intrude but it looked like you need a bit of help." The familiar voice of Peter Parker filled the air.
"I had it taken care of." I insisted. I placed my hands on my hips as I slowly turned around.
"Y/n?! I didn't know you had powers!"
"Shhhh! How would you like it if I started yelling your name while you were wearing your mask?"
"Well, I am. So please don't." Peter quickly begged. "Why did you wait this long to use your powers?"
I simply shrugged my shoulders, lost with words. "I guess I was just waiting for the right time."
"I mean, you did fight a criminal. I just managed to catch-oh no." Peter stopped dead in his sentence.
"What-Oh god." I turned back around the see a webs still glued to the wall cut in half. And the women had disappeared.
"Where did she go?" Peter asked frantically.
"I don't know. But I do know we need to catch her or this city is in trouble."

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