Chapter 16

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The next day
Peter and I were planning on trying to go on another first date today since our last one was interrupted.
"I made reservations at this really nice Italian restaurant downtown." Peter explained to May. I sat in my room fixing up my makeup, but couldn't help but overhear the conversation.
"Do you think she'll like it?"
"I'm sure she would love anything." May insisted.
"It's just, I really like her. And I want everything to be absolutely perfect." Peter mumbled.
"Relax Peter. She will love you know matter what. Just make sure you treat her right."
"I will. I always will." I poked my head around the corner looking at the two in the living room.
"Wow..." Peter smiled. I had a black skater dress that came to my mid thighs and white shoes. Peter brushed my lightly curled hair behind my ear and gently took my hand.
"Hate to interrupt this adorable moment but-"
"Sorry Aunt May. I promise we'll keep this to a minimum when we're home." Peter insisted.
"No I was just going to say you have reservations in twenty minutes." May explained.
"Oh shoot, we better go." Peter laughed. I quickly ran out of the apartment, my hand in his, just before Aunt May could utter another word.
"Do you think there will be another attack?" I questioned.
"No, I doubt it. There hasn't been one for a few weeks so we should be clear for the night." I nodded along as we walked hand in hand down the street.
After just a few moments, our luck was ruined. Screams filled the streets. Citizens were running in all directions.
"Damn it!" Peter groaned.
"Looks like we spoke to soon." I scoffed. "Got your suit ready?" Peter rolled up his sleeve a bit revealing his suit. "Already done."
"Good." I nodded. My hand lingered upon my watch, and my suit dressed itself onto my body.
"Then let's-"
"Y/n, Peter? Can you hear me?"
"Mr. Stark?" Peter questioned, holding his hand gently to his earpiece. "We had a break out. Asp escaped."
"Do you know where she is?"
"Uh Peter." I said tapping his arm.
"Do you know how long she's been out?" Peter continued to question. He put a hand out gesturing me to stay silent.
"PETER!" I yelled, yanking on his arm pulling him out of his trance.
"Look!" My hand pointed down the street. The familiar figure of Asp was walking towards us. Her black hair danced upon her shoulders as they moved, sending several venom blasts towards us.
I quickly picked Peter off the ground, pulling him with me into the sky. But just as we got as high as the nearest building, she sent another blast, hitting me square in the chest. "Shit!" I let of Peter and felt myself falling towards the ground. The burning in my chest was slightly cooled by Peter's webs catching me just before I hit the ground.
"I got you love. Don't worry." He gently set me down onto my feet. My chest still burning, but I stood up right. My fists out and ready. "You're not getting away that easy." My legs swept hers making her fall onto the ground.
Asp stuck her hands out to shoot a blast, but my force field stopped it just in time. She stumbled back onto her feet.
Peter tightly wrapped a web around her waist, making her hang from a nearby building. "And that's how you do it." Peter said cockily rubbing his hands together.
"I had it handled." I insisted.
"Sure you did. You know I saved your butt right at the beginning."
"Yeah well-shit-"
"What?" Peter questioned. My hand lingered upon the scene behind us. Asp was gone.
"Mr. Stark is gonna kill us before we have an actual first date." Peter groaned. Suddenly, a light switch in my head and an idea sparked.
"Hey, I got an idea." The eyes on Peter's mask squinted as he tilted his head.

Less than an hour later, Peter and I were sitting at the top of the Queensboro bridge. Peter tucked his mask under his leg as he took another spoonful of the chocolate ice cream we had bought at one of the stores downtown.
"Have I ever told you how much I love chocolate ice cream?"
"Yes Peter." I laughed as I took another bite. Peter laughed along as he gently took my hand in his. "Well have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I looked down into my lap as my cheeks turned red.
"And I hope you'll let me tell you that everyday." Peter smiled.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I giggled. Peter's smile widened as he turned his body until it was facing mine. "I have to say this before we get interrupted just like every other time. Y/n, I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?"
A slight gasp escaped my lips and my eyes widened.
"What? Was that too soon? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I should have-"
"Yes." I whispered. I laid my hand on his cheek and stared into his sparkling eyes. "You mean like-"
"I'll be your girlfriend." I smiled. I felt myself leaning in, my lips meeting Peter's. His gently hands traced my cheek as mine tangled themselves in his brown locks.
"Eh hem." Some said, clearing their throat behind us. Our lips slowly parted, untangling our hands from one another.
"Mr. Parker. Ms. Y/n."
"Hey Mr. Stark." Peter said with a fake smile.
"You two are in a lot of trouble." He insisted as he floated in front of us. "Be at the base in an hour. We have some things to discuss." Mr. Stark said just before flying off.
We stared off into the distance where Mr. Stark once flew. "So much for a first date." Peter laughed.
"Yeah, well, I think this was a pretty good first date." I said smiling. "Oh but Peter."
"Yeah love?"
"Can we not tell Quill or any of the Guardians about us? I just don't know how they are going to react. I mean, I've made a life here and I don't want to hurt their feelings." I explained.
"No problem love. As long as you're happy." Peter smiled.

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