Chapter 17

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"I gave you one job and you couldn't even do that!" Mr. Stark yelled. "And I catch you both eating at the top of the bridge as if nothing happened."
"Mr. Stark-"
"Now we lost our only chance to figure out where the hell all of these mutant things are coming from thanks to you both!"
"Mr. Stark-" Peter begged again.
"We were so damn close to cracking this and now we've lost it to a couple of-"
"Mr. Stark!" Peter yelled. His cheeks growing red and his jaw clenching. "I've been trying to take Y/n out on a date for weeks but every time is try to do anything for her, it gets interrupted! So yeah, we did what we could under pressure with no time to prepare." Peter snapped. "And the least you can do is be thankful that we're there to try and stop her from hurting anyone." Before Mr. Stark could respond, Peter walked out of the room, closing the front door behind him.
Mr. Stark stared at me in disbelief. Steve cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "Maybe  I should go and talk with him." Mr. Stark insisted. Just as he took a step, I stuck my arm out to stop him. "No. I think it would be best if I did." I insisted. Mr. Stark nodded, ushering me out.

I slowly opened the front door and found Peter sitting on the steps. "Hey." I mumbled.
"Hey. I'm sorry I snapped out there. I guess I was just stressed." Peter explained. I gently took my hand in his, lightly brushing my thumb against his finger.
"There's no need to apologize Peter. There's so much going on right now and there's a lot on you mind. Believe me, I understand."
"It's just, we've got this whole thing going on, Prom, and-"
"Wait, Prom?" I interrupted.
"Yeah." Peter mumbled. "I don't have to explain to you what it is again right?"
"No it's just-when is it again?"
"Two weeks." Peter answered.
"Two weeks?!" I yelled. "I don't have a dress or-"
"Y/n. Calm down." Peter chuckled. "I can set something up. You and Aunt May can go shopping. Don't worry."
"How can I not? You've been looking forward to this for weeks and I don't want to mess it up." I explained.
"Believe me Y/n. Prom is the last thing I'm worried about. The only thing I'm thinking of it you and making sure you're okay. When Asp hit you, you have no idea how scared I was. And it would kill me if anything worse happened to you. I just can't lose you Y/n."
I took both of Peter's hands in my and kissed them lightly.
"You'll never lose me Peter. And I promise I'll always protect you. We can be each other's Guardians." I promised with a smile. Peter laughed as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me in close. Just as he kissed the top of my head, the door swung open behind us.
"Hey-uh-Y/n, Peter." A voice mumbled. We both turned our heads to see Quill standing in the doorway.
"Hey Quill. What's up?"
"Um Stark said that he wants both of you to spend the night here. Just for your safety." Quill looked down at his shoes before walking back inside.
"Geez what's got him down?" Peter scoffed.
"I-I don't know. But I think we should probably get to bed. We've had a long night."
"Yeah, I guess your right." Peter smiled.
"Goodnight Y/n." Peter whispered. I slowly leaned in, kissing his lips gently.
"I'll see you in the morning." I smiled.


I gently brushed my long dress as my heels clicked on the floor. "You look beautiful my Love." Peter said with a smile.
I hooked my arm around his as we walked into the large room filled with lights, music, and laughter.
"I'm going to go get some punch for us. I'll be right back." Peter said before stepping off the dance floor.
I began walking around the room, looking for Ned. But suddenly, the lights began to dim and the crowd disappeared.
"What the hell?" I continued on, until my walk turn to a run.
"Peter!" I yelled just as the lights went out. My body tingled as I stopped running. Chills ran up and down my spine as sudden gusts of wind brushed itself against my neck.
"Peter!" I called out again. As I stared off into the black abyss, I red light flickered up above. A body sat on the floor on its knees. Their arms tied behind their backs and their mouth sealed shut with duck tape.
I slowly dragged my feet closer to the body until it became familiar.
"Peter!" I cried out bedding down to his still body. His eyes bloodshot and his hair a mess.
"Peter? Are you okay?" I questioned. But Peter didn't answer. He stared off into the empty space that took up the room.
I laid my hands on both side of his head and spoke again, "Peter? Can you hear me?" I cried. But no response. I gently peeled off the duck tape that sealed his lips shut.
His lips were red as bloody dripped onto the floor. "Oh my god Peter! Who did this too you?" I questioned. But still no response.
"Peter, how did this happen? I need you to answer me. Please!" I begged.
"You didn't protect me." Peter mumbled, his lips quivering in anger. "You promised. And now look what you've done." Suddenly, more lights turned on behind him. "Quill?" I cried. The Guardians locked in chains, hanging on the wall above Peter.
"You promised us Y/n. You promised to be out Guardian and protect us."
"No, please Peter. This isn't you." I cried.
"You didn't protect us." Peter yelled. His head down low and his eyes glowing with anger.
"No! Please Peter!" I cried again. "This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real." I mumbled to myself. Suddenly, I hand placed itself on my shoulder, making me jump. "Who are you?" I questioned. As I turned around, I saw a pair of bright green eyes staring back at me as hissing filled the air. "They'll be dead before you find out." The voice hissed. The lights went out once more and it felt as though the floor fell from underneath me.
I fell, down, down, down...

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