Chapter 20

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A gasp escaped my lips and my body lurched forward. "Hey hey hey." A soft voice spoke calmly. Peter laid a hand on my back as he stood next to me. With Peter's gentle touch, my heart began to return back to normal and my breathing slowed down.
"What-how did I get here?"
"You passed out in the dressing room. Aunt May heard you screaming and when she came in, you were on the floor." Peter explained. "She was going to take you to take you to the hospital but she called me and I told her to take you to the Avengers base."
"Thanks Peter." I mumbled with a toothless grin.
"Do you know what happened?"
"No, actually. All I can remember is-" I suddenly paused, trying to wrap my head around the vision I saw. "Putting the dress back on the hanger and then I got dizzy. I must have passed out after that. Maybe I hit my head and that's why I screamed." I lied. Peter nodded and kissed my forehead.
"I'm so sorry Love. Hey don't I run out to the store and get some treats and maybe I could pick up a movie?"
"That sounds perfect." I said, faking a smile.
"Perfect. I'll be back soon. Love you Y/n."
"Love you too Peter."
Peter flash a great big smile before walking out the door, closing it behind him. My fake smile disappeared once he was gone. I waited a few minutes before tossing the bed covers to the side. I hopped off the bed and walked out of the room. "Mr. Stark?" I called as I walked into the kitchen.
"Y/n. What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting."
"I just needed to talk with you. And uh-Steve if he's here?"
"Did someone say my name?"
"Steve? Well wasn't that perfectly planned." Tony laughed.
"Just got back from a small mission. What's up?"
"Y/n had something she wanted to talk with both of us about." Tony explained. Both men leaned on the counter, ready to listen.
"So before I passed out I had this vision. It was about Peter. He said 'You didn't protect me' and 'You left me to die.' Then he told me it was my turned to suffer and then he dropped to the floor. But then this voice hissed 'See happens when you don't obey' and then I felt this thing hand wrap around my neck. I remember struggling and then, that was it."
"Did you happen to see who was strangling you?" Steve questioned.
"If I knew, I would have told you. But I think he must have some relationship with the Serpent Society."
"Have you had visons like this before?"
"Yeah but this one was the only one that cause me physical pain. But every one I've had so far has had Peter and the very first one had the Guardians as well."
"And what were they doing in that vision?"
"They were locked up in some kind of hidden room." Tony pondered for a moment.
"What if the Guardians didn't leave? What if they were taken to wherever you saw in your vision?"
"Do you think that maybe the note that Gamora left means anything?" Steve asked. I walked over to the other side of the counter, grabbing the letter.
"I'm so stupid!" I yelled. "There are words highlighted, 'headquarters' 'please help.' The thing that was in my vision, do you think it's related to the Serpent Society?"
"They must be holding them captive." Tony noted. "Do you know where the headquarters could be?" I silently shook my head. "I never saw where it was. I only saw the inside."
"Maybe we can hook you up to some kind of machine Tony's got and we can look at your visions."
"I know what I saw Steve. And I swear to you I don't know." I vowed.
"Y/n's right. We're going to have to figure it out on our own." Tony defended. "Hey, did you happen to tell Peter about any of this?"
"No." I answered. "No I couldn't. I didn't want to put him in danger. Every vision I've had has told me to protect the boy so I'm to assume it's Peter. And this is the only way I know how to."
"Thanks Kid. We'll keep this under wraps for a bit before we sort it all out."
"Or at least until we find Quill and the others." Steve interrupted. "Yep. And this Serpent Society can wait a few more days before causing any harm." I spoke softly. "Why?" Both men questioned. I rolled my eyes and smiled, placing my hands on my hips. "Cause I've got prom tomorrow."

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