Chapter 3

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"Spider what?" I questioned. The wind was howling at the top of the building. The boy took a step closer, making me take a step back.
"Spider-Man." He repeated. "And I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to see if you were alright."
"If I was alright?"
"Well, yeah. I mean, you literally fell out of the sky." He explained.
"Yeah, so?" I said.
"Well, do you have anywhere to go? Any family?" He asked. My head filled with thoughts and memories of the Guardians.
"No..." I mumbled. Spider-Man looked down at his feet before speaking again.
"I'm so sorry." He muttered.
"It's alright. How were you supposed to know? I literally fell from the sky." I noted.
Spider-Man laughed, but it was quiet. More of a sympathetic laugh.
He reached out his hand once more. "Do you trust me?" He asked. I looked at his hand before gently taking it.
"I-I think so." I stuttered.
"That's all I need." He said. He wrapped his arm around my waist. "Ready?"
"Yeah." I said. Not even a second later, our feet left the ground. I held onto him tightly as he swung from building to building. There was no point in telling him I could fly or that I had powers. I'm sure I'll have to show him sooner or later.

After a short trip through the city, we arrived at a small apartment. He landed on the staircase, just outside one of the windows.
"You alright?" Spider-Man asked as we landed safely down onto the small platform.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I assured. He opened up the window and crawled into the room on the ceiling. He gently closed his door before ushering me in.
"Why are you closing the door?" I asked.
"Because my Aunt May is home and I can't let her see you like this. We need to get you into regular clothes and out of your suit." He explained.
Spider-Man took of his masked to reveal a boy, I'd say, about the same age as me. His beautiful brown locks fell upon his forehead as he caramel eyes glistened in the light.
He quickly shuffled through his closet, trying to find something for me to wear. He finally settled on a large white t-shirt that said, 'I survived my trip to NYC' across it. He then walked over to his dresser and pulled out an old pair of boxers.
"Here. This is all I have for now. But I'm sure my Aunt can take you shopping tomorrow." He explained. I nodded along. "I'll let you change." Peter said. He grabbed his pajamas and bolted out of the room.

After quickly changing, I began to look at everything in the room. There we are sorts of cool gadgets and toys. I suddenly stumbled upon a large jagged ball. I laid my hand in it, and lifted the top of it. There were tons of little people inside of it.
"I see you've found the Lego Death-Star." Spider-Man said as he shut the door behind him.
"Is that what this is called?" I questioned.
"Yeah. Do you not have Lego's where you're from?" Spider-Man asked. I shook my head in response.
"I figured since you'll probably be staying here for a little while, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Peter. Peter Parker." Peter said. My heart sunk at his words.
"P-P-Peter?" I stuttered.
"Yeah? Is there something wrong?"
"No. That's a story for another day. Anyways, my name is Y/n." I continued.
"Well, it's nice to officially meet you Y/n. I'll have to introduce you to my-"
"Peter? Are you home?" A sweet voice shouted from down the hall.
"Yeah! I'll be out in a second!" Peter insisted.
He stood up from his bed and extended his hand out to me. "Come on. I want to introduce you to my Aunt May." He said with an adorable smile.
I gently placed my hand in his and we walked out of his room. He guided me down the hallway and into what looked like a small kitchen.
"Aunt May?"
"Peter. Good, I'm glad you're here. I was thinking about ordering some take out and have it delivered. I don't think I- oh hi!" The brown haired woman said, a bit in shock.
"And who is this?" She continued.
"Aunt May. I'd like you to meet my new friend Y/n." Peter introduced.
"Well it's wonderful to meet you Y/n. But can I asked why you're in Peter's boxers?" She questioned.
"My clothes were-uh-really wet. I got splashed my a truck going by and I didn't have any spare clothes." Aunt May nodded her head, showing she understood.
"And that reminds me. Do you think Y/n could stay with us for a little while? She's having some-uh-family trouble and she needs somewhere to stay."
"Well, I don't see why that would be a problem. I just hope you like Chinese food. I've been craving that orange chicken for days." Aunt May explained. I nodded my head before feeling someone tug on my hand. I turned my head to see Peter smiling.
His smile made me feel as though I wasn't millions of miles away from my family. It felt familiar. Like something I had been missing. And now, it was finally here.

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