Chapter 15

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Another criminal from the Serpent Society had fought and vanished before our very eyes.
It left behind another symbol. "You know, we were so close to catching that one." Peter insisted.
"Yeah, well, maybe we can get Steve to help us next time since him and Bucky helped catch Asp."
"At least until we can figure out how to stop them, we should do it on our own."
"You know Peter, you can't always be the only one being the hero." Peter smiled at my snarky comment.
"I know Y/n." He said, still smiling.
We snuck back into Peter's apartment through the windows, ever so quiet.
"Do you think the Guardians will be alright here?" I whispered.
"Two questions. One, who are the Guardians? And two, what do you mean?"
"That's what they called us. The Guardians of the Galaxy. And I mean, do you think they'll be okay on Earth? It's just really different from space." I explained.
"Well, you adjusted pretty quickly. I'm sure they can do the same." I nodded my hand in agreement but the flopped down on Peter's bed.
"It's just Quill I'm worried about. I mean, he is part human. He lived on Earth for a portion of his life. I just don't want any bad memories to spark. You know?"
"I understand what you're saying. But I'm sure he'll be fine. If he managed to find you, even with the thousands of planets that apparently there are, I think he's strong enough." Peter explained with slight confusion.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." I said with a small smile.
"And hey, maybe they'll decide to stay on Earth for a little while." Peter insisted. I simply nodded in agreement.
Peter gently held his hand to my cheek and pulled my other hand into his.
"Just try not to worry. You've got so many other things on your mind. They can take care of themselves. If they managed to survive in space all those years, then they can survive on Earth without being harmed."
"Thank you Peter." I mumbled. Peter smiled making his eyes sparkle even more. I could feel his body moving closer to mine.
Suddenly, his soft lips were to mine. Peter's hand guided its way to my back and around my waist. My hand brushed itself through his hair and the other around his heck.
His mesmerizing lips sent shivers down my spine. Peter's body presses against mine as he ran his fingers through my hair.
A door opened from down the hall, making us both jump. I looked at Peter before dropping quietly to the floor and crawling underneath his bed. Peter quickly jumped under the covers so his suit wasn't exposed.
"Peter?" Aunt May whispered. "What are you still doing up?"
"Just-uh couldn't sleep."
"Was it because of all the commotion downtown?"
"Oh-uh yeah."
"Well, it looks like it's over so you should be able to get to bed." Aunt May insisted. "I'm gonna go and see if Y/n's awake-"
"No no!" Peter exclaimed.
"Wait, why?"
"I went in there when I first heard everything. It scared her and I just got her to go back to sleep. She's a light sleeper." Peter lied. Aunt May stared at him, suspicion in her eyes.
"Yeah, alright. Just get to bed. It may be Saturday tomorrow but you need your sleep."
"Will do May." I waited for Aunt May's door to shut before climbing out from underneath the bed.
I stared at Peter in confusion. "What?" He questioned.
"I'm a light sleeper? How'd you know that?" I questioned.
"You toss and turn a lot when you fall asleep on the couch. I don't know." Peter said with a giggle. I giggled quietly along before walking back to his window.
"Well I better get to bed. I'll see you in the morning."
"Wait, Y/n." Peter said, making me turn back around. "We never got to have our date." He reminded.
"Oh yeah, I guess we didn't."
"Maybe we can try again tomorrow?"
"Sounds great." I said smiling.
"Awesome. I'll see you in the morning. Sleep well."
"Goodnight Peter."
"Goodnight Y/n. See you in the morning."

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