Chapter 19

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It had been two weeks since the Guardians had left and my awful feeling still hadn't left. There had been no signs of them or the Serpent Society. Since they left, I continued to stay at the Avengers base in case they came back.
I stared at the letter, bouncing my knee up and down. My eyes rereading every line, every word, every letter.
"Still stuck on that, huh?" Tony said. His feet tapping as he walked into the kitchen.
"There's just something I'm missing here." Tony opened the fridge, grabbing an apple.
"I honestly can't agree or disagree with you Kid. But, the way that Quill guy acted, it makes sense that he would just up and leave. He seems like more of a wanderer."
"Well, yeah. He lives on a spaceship. He's constantly moving." He explained with a smile. But, my smile began to fade. "I just thought he would take me with him." Tony walked over, slinging his arm around my shoulder.
"It'll all be okay Y/n. Just focus on today." He insisted. "Like your prom dress shopping with May. Bet that'll be exciting. What time are you leaving for that again?"
"Noon." I groaned. Tony looked at the clock before turning back to me.
"Well you've got ten minutes to get ready. Hope you're a fast flyer."
"Shit!" I yelled, quickly hopping off the chair and dashing off to my room.
I landed gently on the roof of building, looking at my watch to see the time. "Right on time." I smiled. Quickly, I climbed down the fire escape and into Peter's room.
"Hey Aunt May."
"Oh hey Y/n." May said, slightly startled. "How did you get in?"
"Oh fire escape. Is Peter here?"
"No he's going tux shopping with Ned. Today is just for the girls."
"Great." I said hesitantly.
"You alright Y/n?"
"Yeah. It's just, I've never been dress shopping before." You explained.
"Don't worry about it. It's easy. And I've got a pretty good taste I'd say." May joked as she grabbed her purse.
"I hope you know that Peter truly cares for you Y/n. He really does love you."
"Yeah, I know. I love him too." I gushed.
I sat in the dressing room, trying on dress after dress. But I just couldn't focus. My mind wandered, making up scenarios of why Quill left. 'Does he just not trust me?' I thought. 'Well, he doesn't trust Peter.' I rolled my eyes at my thoughts as I heard a knock on my door.
"Come in." I answered, standing up in one of the dresses May had picked out.
"Well don't you just look gorgeous!" She squealed. "Thanks." I muttered with a smile.
"What's wrong hun?" May questioned. She led me over to the bench in the dressing room and sat down on her knees in front of me.
"I um found my family." I stuttered.
"That's great!" May smiled, just before it turned back to a frown. "You don't look happy about it."
"I am. Well, I was." I looked down at my lap and fiddled with my thumbs. "Well my uh Dad," I started, "he doesn't trust Peter. And then I told him that I loved Peter and that there wasn't anything he could do to change that."
"He just sounds really overprotective Y/n. He'll come around." May insisted.
"I-I-I don't think he will."
"What? Why do you think that?"
"He left. And took my whole family with him. They-they went back home." I explained. By then, tears were already falling from my eyes.
"Oh my god Y/n." May whispered. She gently pulled me into her embrace, letting me cry into her shoulder.
"I know this may not make much of a difference but I found a dress. And I think you'll really like this one."
"May, you've said that about every one." I laughed.
"But I really do think this one is it." She insisted. She grabbed the dress from the outside rack, pulling in into the dressing room. She closed the door to let me try on the dress.
I carefully slipped on the dress, admiring its features. It was a simple, long sky blue dress with a beautiful design all along the skirt do the dress, along with the top.
"It's beautiful." I choked. May slowly opened the door, making sure I was ready to show her. "Wow." May gasped. "Peter is a lucky kid."
"It's perfect. I absolutely love it. Thank you May."
"Of course. Now get changed so we can get it." May explained. I nodded my head in agreement. I gently took of the dress and changed back into my regular clothes.
As I put the dress back on the hanger, the room began to spin. I felt my body lean onto the bench, my head still spinning. Suddenly the lights began to flash and loud and heavy footsteps walked down the dressing room hall.
"Hello?" I called. But no answer. The lights went out all around, except for mine. It only flickered. "What the hell?" I whispered. The footsteps grew nearer and nearer, and heavier and heavier.
"Hello? Who's there?" Suddenly the footsteps came to a stop, right in front of my door. The doorknob began to turn until it clicked. As the door opened, a familiar face stood in front of me. It was Peter. Except, it wasn't my Peter.
"You didn't protect me." He spoke.
"What do you mean I didn't protect you?!"
"You left me to die!" He yelled.
"Now it's your turn to suffer-" before the bloodied Peter could finish, he collapsed to the ground. "Peter!" I yelled, running to his ice cold body. He face was turning blue and his lips turned purple. My hands stung as they touched him.
"Peter!" I screamed. His heart came to a stop and wave fear rolled down my back.
"See what happens when you don't obey." A voice hissed.
"What do you mean I don't obey?" I cried. Without warning, a strong hand wrapped itself around my neck, squeezing it tightly.
"P-please s-st-stop." I choked. Slowly, I felt my body began to stop fighting. My swinging fists suddenly stopped and my kicking legs went still. The hand unwrapped itself from my neck, dropping me to the ground.
My hand fell next to Peter's, touching his pinky. 'I love you Peter.' I thought just before everything went black.

GuardianOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora