Chapter 9

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For the next few days after the incendient, everything went back to the way it was. Peter and I pretend as though it didn't happen. But I guess that's what it's like to just be a solo hero. When I'm with the Guardians, we were constantly trying to find a criminal if we've lost them. Well, when I was.
But the city seemed to not be phased by what had happened just a few nights ago.
There wasn't much damage where the small battle had taken place but there were still things that needed to be fixed.

As I walked the halls of Midtown's School of Science and Technology, I found myself feeling a bit uneasy. Not from the food served at the cafeteria, but the feeling something wasn't right.
"Hey Y/n." A familiar panting voice spoke next to me.
"Hey Pete. Why are you out of breath?" I questioned. Peter simply smiled and scratched the back of his head. "I saw you and I-uh-wanted to ask you something. But man, you move fast." Peter panted with a smile.
"Sorry Peter. If I knew you were trying to get to me I would've turned around." I said. I turned my lock, opening my locker. Grabbing my books, I turned back to Peter.
"So-uh-Y/n. You know, Prom is coming up."
"Yeah. Prom is that dance thing right?" I questioned.
"Uh yeah." Peter began to stutter. "We'll uh I was wondering if-"
"EVERYBODY RUN!" Someone yelled from down the hall. They ran quickly until Peter managed to grab her arm. "What's going on?"
"There's a guy and his big and red and-" A loud bang interrupted the stuttering girl. Suddenly the large crowded hallway was becoming empty. I grabbed Peter's arm and I could feel him tense up. "We gotta go." I insisted.
"Wait but I had something to ask you."
"Sorry but it has to wait." I said. I began to run down the hallway, running into the bathroom.
I took of my clothes revealing my suit. Let's just say I've had that weird feeling all day. So I thought I should wear my suit underneath. And sure enough, it came in handy.
I left my backpack and sprinted out of the bathroom, meeting Peter in his suit in the hallway. "Ready?"
"Let's do this." I said, giving him a fist bump.
We opened up the doors of the school and saw a large beast like creature. The majority of his body was red, except for his yellow stomach. His shiny fangs could be seen from a hundred yards away. And his cybernetic tail swung, hitting and smashing nearby cars.
Peter shot a web at a nearby building. He swung towards the creature a kicked him directly in the face, making him lose his balance.
But as the creature regained it, he launched himself towards me. I shot up into the air just before he landed, taking my place on the ground.
From up in the air, I sent a force field towards the creature. It sent him flying into the ground, making a ginormous hole in the ground. Peter and I both landed can in the ground. But as we walked towards the giant hole the creature I had created, we noticed something.
"Where did it go?!" Peter yelled.
"I-I don't know." I stuttered.
"First that weird girl-"
"Now that creature thing-"
""We can't keep letting them get away!-"
"PETER!" I yelled.
"WHAT!?" Peter yelled back.
"Look at this." I said. I slid down into the hole and laid my fingers upon the symbol. Or at least what I think is a symbol.
"Hey, isn't that the same snake thing that girl left before she disappeared?" Peter questioned.
"Yeah. It is. I just don't know what it means." Peter pondered for a moment. He brushed his hand over the snake like symbol until his eyes began to light up. "I think I know someone who might."
Peter and I flew back up and onto the ground. "What are you talking about Peter?"
"You'll just have to wait and see." Peter insisted. I could let he was smiling through his mask. I crossed my arms and began to tap my foot. "I'm not doing this Peter. Just tell me what's going on."
"You'll see. We just have to make a stop in upstate New York." Peter teased again.
"Peter..." I said with a frustrated tone.
"Fine. We're going to the Avengers base to talk to Mr. Stark. There, you happy?"
"I would be if you had just said that earlier. Come on. We gotta go." I said beginning to fly up. "Hey uh-Y/n?" Peter called from below.
"What?" I complained.
"I kinda can't swing over there. Too many trees, not enough buildings." I rolled my eyes and floated back down. "Come on." I said holding out my hand. Something about holding his hand, just felt right.

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