Chapter 21

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'BEEP BEEP BEEP' my alarm chirped. I heavily dropped my hand on the top, hitting it several times to make it stop.
Sheepishly, I sat up in my bed and lightly began rubbing my eyes.
My hair was still in a messy bun that I had accidentally left in from the night before. A small yawn escaped my lips as my eyes scanned the room.
I came to a halt when I saw my dress hanging up in my closet, separate from my other clothes, a smile spread across my lips. Tossing the blanket off my body, I swung my legs over and ran out into the living room.
Aunt May stood at the counter, gently pouring in a cup of flour into a small bowl.
"MAY!" I yelled with excitement, startling her. She dropped the measuring cup of flour into the bowl with a loud yelp. "Y/n! Don't scream like that!" May laughed, picking back up the measuring cup.
"Sorry! I'm just really excited!" I squealed, taking a seat at the counter.
"Well, I figured I would start off the day by making some blueberry muffins before your hair appointment." A smile crept upon my cheeks as May spoke.
"Why so smiley?" May joked.
"I just never thought in a million years I'd be this happy." I explained.
"Well, I'm glad my blueberry muffins made you so happy." May joked, handing me a muffin. A gave a small pity laugh and took the muffin with a smile. "Thanks May."
"But all jokes aside, I'm truly grateful that you felt comfortable enough to stay here for so long. I mean, living in a new city is one thing but living on another planet must have been crazy."
My eyes widened. I dropped my muffin onto the counter and my jaw hung wide open.
"H-how did you-how did you-"
"I'm not blind Y/n, I pick things up quickly." May explained. "Plus, it was on the news when you came down. I'm surprised the students or teachers at your school didn't recognize you. I guess I'm the only one who still watches the news."
"God, I feel so stupid." I complained, my face falling through my hands and onto the counter top.
"I promise I won't tell anyone. I mean, I've been keeping this secret for a long time, you don't have to worry about it. But don't tell me about anything with your powers. If I've paid attention to any movie, the person who knows the most dies first, and I would like to live for as long as possible."
"Okay." I laughed, picking up my muffin from the counter "Thank you May."
"No need to thank me Y/n. You've really taken care of Peter. This is the least that I can do." May insisted. "Now go get ready for your appointment. We're leaving in twenty minutes."
3rd POV

"Mr. Stark. I think it's too tight." Peter complained, somewhat grasping for air.
"Sorry Kid. Just wasn't thinking." Tony explained, loosening the tie around Peter's neck. "I never would have thought I would be doing this. You know, like a dad."
"I never thought I would be going, you know with all the attacks. Every time I would try to go on a date with Y/n, something would always go wrong."
"So far, it sounds like it's going to be one hell of a night Peter." Peter smiled, dropping his head and looking at his toes.
"Do you think she'll go back?"
"What do you mean Kid?"
"Y/n was just so upset about the Guardians leaving. Do you think that if they do come back she'll go back to space with them?"
Tony leaned in the doorway, his arms crossed in front of him. "Honestly, I have no clue. It's her decision and we have no control over that."
"Yeah, yeah I guess you're right." Peter nodded. He looked in the mirror and fixed his hair one last time before walking into the kitchen at the Avengers base.
Tony handed him the corsage with a smile.
"Have a great time Peter." Tony paused. "But not too much fun."
"Thanks Mr. Stark," Peter laughed as he wrapped his arms around Tony, "for everything."
"No problem Kid. I'll see you when you get back."
Peter smiled as the door closed behind him. As Peter walked towards the garage where Happy sat in the limo, his spider senses started to tingle.
Peter came to a halt, looking in all directions. The only sound was the whistling wind. Peter began to walk on once more, but his body still tingled.
A large, hot hand wrapped around his neck. He dropped the corsage and his fingers clawed at his neck gasping for air. His neck burning and his head turning red hot.
Peter couldn't scream. The hand sent a shock of electricity through his body, sending Peter to the ground.
Peter's unconscious body laid on the cement. The figure loomed over Peter. "Asp." It spoke.
"Yes Eel?"
"Put him in the back and bring him to the base to Viper. He'll be pleased to know everything is going as planned." Eel instructed.
"Yes Sir. Here's that potion thing Mamba made. She said it would work."
"It better." Eel took a swig of the liquid, gulping down every disgusting drop.
His body began to glow, electricity coursing through his viens. A flash of light appeared around him. When it disappeared, he exited a cloud of smoke.
"It's different then how I imagined. Bit small." Eel smiles a devilish grin. "See you on the other side." Asp whispered.
Just as she disappeared, a limo pulled up in front of the scene. The window rolled down, revealing an angry Happy Hogan.
"There you are!" Happy yelled. "I've been waiting for twenty minutes."
"Sorry Happy. Just got held up."
"Then let's stop this chit chat and get going." Happy ordered. He looked at the ground through the window. "Don't forget the corsage." Happy noted. "Right."
After picking it off the ground, the door closed behind him. "You ready Kid?"
"Ready as I'll ever be." Eel responded, staring through the eyes of Peter Parker

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