Chapter 2

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I stared at the group that was crowded around me. They all looked at me as though I was a freak. Their weird thin rectangular boxes pointed right at me.
I walked up to a brown haired woman. Her eyes filled with fear as I snatched the object out of her hand. I inspected it carefully.
When I hit the button on the bottom, it showed a picture of the woman with who I assumed was her group of friends.
"May I please have my phone back?" She stuttered. "Is that what this is called?" I questioned. She gave a scared nodded as I handed it back to her.
I looked around at the scene and saw the large ditch I had created when I landed. The cement was pushed into the ground and dust still filled the air.
"I have to find Peter." I insisted. Everyone still stared at me with confusion. I shook my head before running off. I sprinted down the street swimming through an ocean of people.

After several minutes or sprinting through the unfamiliar place, I found myself in an alley way between two large buildings.
I leaned up against the wall, behind a few unfamiliar objects just so no one would see me.
I tapped my watch, trying to get a hold of Peter. But it wasn't working. "It must have been damaged during the blast." I mumbled to myself.
I took it off my wrist and inspected it. But after a few more tries, a faint noise rang through the watch. Then a small blue holographic figure appeared just above it.
"Peter! Thank goodness!" I cried.
"Where are you?" Peter asked.
"I don't know. I believe it's a planet called, Earth."
"What?! How the hell did you end up there?"
I shook my head. "I have no idea." I explained.
"But I do know that I need to get off this planet. It's so unfamiliar and kinda gross."
"The only way we can help you is if we know your exact coordinates. But-...don'"
"What? Peter your cutting out."
"Hello Y/n?" I hit the watch a few more times but it shut off. "Damn!" I yelled to myself.
I didn't know what to do now. There was no hope of me finding my way back home.

The sun was beginning to set and the sky was becoming darker. My stomach was rumbling but I just ignored it.
I was too afraid to have any Earth food. From what I've heard Peter say, it's quite unsettling.
But of course, that was a long time ago.
When Peter was taken when he was young, he didn't know where he was going. And he didn't know how to get back. So he's never been able to return.

I sat at the top of one of the buildings. My legs swinging off the edge. I looked up into the starry sky and saw a bit of movement. From the looks of it, it looked much like a spaceship.
These vehicles drove on the road underneath me. Some where speeding through while others where going extremely slow. Everything was neat and all but, I just wanted to go back and get out of this place.

"Hey." A soft voice spoke. I looked all around me. I quickly stood up onto my feet, ready to fight.
"Who's there?" I questioned defensively.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." The voice spoke again.
"Can you please just tell me who you are?" Thankfully my mask was still on. At least whoever it is won't know my identity.
The figure came out from the shadows. It looked like a man. Except not a man. More like a boy.
The strong figure stood in front of me. His red and blue suit stood out from the rest of the plain colored town.
My eyes lingered upon his suit. It was red and blue with black lines all over it.
His large eyes were white and they instantly became smaller, then bigger once again.
Then my eyes fell upon the symbol on his chest. It looked like something I had seen before.
Maybe in a dream perhaps. It just seemed vaguely familiar.
"Who are you?!" I questioned once more. I could feel my eyes and hair become a dark shade of red, but I managed to control it.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He said assuringly. "My name is Spider-Man. And I'm here to help you."

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