Chapter 5

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My eyes slowly opened as a red light beamed upon them. I slowly sat up, rubbing my hand to my head. "Where the hell am I?" I mumbled swinging my legs around, sitting myself upward.
I looked around at my surroundings. The walls were all dark but tinted red from the bright red light on the ceiling.
I found myself sitting on some sort of hard, silver table with a small pillow at the end of it.
Turning my head to the right, I noticed a small table with several surgical tools.
I quietly jumped off the table. My feet hitting the floor lightly.
I quietly walked down the hall, keeping my hand brushing up against the wall.
A bright light came from the end of the hallway. But I couldn't see anything past it. But I continued on.
I reached the end of it, the light piercing my eyes. I quickly pulled my hand up and shielded my eyes as I continued through it.

I continued to walk until I found myself in a large room. A large empty room. It looked much like a large living space.
The walls were plainly colored. The chairs were bland along with a small glass table. The picture frames where white and contain old pictures of things such as the ocean.
"This is the most boring room I've ever seen." I chuckled to myself.
I guided my hand along the smooth wall until it hit a nearby picture frame. The picture was a bit unclear to make out. I lightly tapped the glass and the picture finally appeared.
A small serpent appeared, almost as if it slithered onto the page.
I lightly pushed the frame. But it did something I didn't think it would do. It slid right into the wall. Suddenly, part of the wall disappeared revealing a black staircase, with snakes as railings.

"Leave her alone!" A familiar voice yelled from downstairs.
"Quill?" I whispered. I quietly made my way down, ducking down behind one of the boxes at the bottom.
All five of the Guardians were being held captive. Both their hands and feet were engulfed in small metal clasps and their bodies were held up like a star.
"She's a young girl and has her entire life ahead of her! There's no reason for you to torture her!" Quill continued to yell.
"Keep your mouth shut or she Y/n won't be the only one." A sinister voice spoke. But I couldn't see who it was. It was as only a shadow.
"Peter! Stop it! You're going to get all of us killed!" Gamora yelled.
"Yeah well I would rather die then let you harm Y/n." Quill cried.
"Peter!" I yelled. But no one turned their head.
I quickly ran over, ready to fight.
But the voice was still a shadow and the Guardians remained still.
"I'm here Peter! I'm gonna get you out of here." I insisted. But when I reached for the metal clasp, my hand faded right through.
"What?" I questioned with a crack in my voice.
"No please! I'm here!" I yelled. But no one moved. I ran to Gamora and tried to grab one of her clasps as well. My hand fell through I once more.
"Rocket?" I cried. I tried to brush the fur on the top of his head, but once again, my hand faded.
"No no no..." I cried, dropping to my knees.
The shadowy figure began walking towards me, engulfing me in a world of black.
"Let them go!" I screamed. But there was no response.
Suddenly, a familiar scream came from upstairs. I slowly turned my head. A trail of blood dripped down the staircase and onto the floor. It slithered it's way until it hit the tip of my finger.
That's when I noticed the pool of blood surrounding me. My body was growing weaker and weaker. The world becoming darker and darker.


I sat up quickly, gasping for air. I was back in my bed. My sheets were drenched in sweat. The window was open, letting the wind blow into the room.
The door quickly opened and in came a worried Peter Parker.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" He questioned. I quickly shook my head. Tears began falling down my cheeks.
Peter gently took a seat on my bed and wrapped an arm around me. I laid my head in his chest, soaking his shirt.
"I-I'm scared Peter." I stuttered. I laid my hand on his chest and scrunched part of his shirt in my hand. "I-I d-don't know what's hap-happening." I cried.
"Don't worry Y/n. It was just as dream." Peter whispered, pulling me close into his arms. But by the looks of the blood on my finger, I knew it wasn't just a dream.

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