Chapter 6

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Ever since my "dream" as Peter calls it, I haven't been able to get it out of my head. Much like I dream, there are bits and pieces that I'm unable to recall. But the blood on my fingers tell me otherwise.
But everyday since that night, I've been on edge. Even though I've been on high alert, I still haven't used my powers. Peter has been with me twenty-four seven and I haven't been able to shake him away.
"I'm not some helpless thing Peter. I can take care of myself." Insisted as we walked the halls of the school. Peter was glued to my hip. Though we had all the same classes, he wouldn't give me any space.
"When did I say that?" Peter questioned.
"Well, you haven't said it but actions speak louder than words." I grabbed a few of my books from my locker and stuffed them in my backpack.
"I just don't want you to be influenced by anything bad and have a freak out again from a dream. Possibly worse than the last one." Peter explained.
"I'm not going to have another freak out. And it was not just a dream. Something happened but I can't figure it out, but I can assure you, I'll be fine."
"Sorry Y/n. It's just, you know you're an-an-"
"Yeah Peter. I know. Just stop worrying about me." I said. I locked my locker and left Peter behind.
I dropped my backpack on the ground with a loud thud, startling Aunt May.
"Hey Y/n! How was your day? Where's Peter?" She asked as she set down her book.
"It was alright. Peter said he was going to Ned's house to work on some last minute homework." I explained.
"Do you know if-"
"Sorry Aunt May! I have a ton of homework I have to finish. See you later." I said closing the door behind me, leaving Aunt May a bit confused.
I sat down at my desk Peter and I made one day. I grabbed my watch and grabbed a screwdriver.
After a few minutes, it was in pieces. Then I began to ressemble it. Piece by piece, I began to fix it, but making it better.
"Once I get this fixed, I should be able to-"
Suddenly, a shock shot through my body. I could feel my eyes turning red, along with my hair. My body say straight up as a voice rang through my head.
"Protect the boy..." It whispered. But that whisper made my brain throb. My body was beginning to grow weaker and weaker until, I couldn't feel anymore.
3rd person POV
Peter slowly climbed up the wall, careful not to hit any of the windows.
"This is not a good idea." He whispered to himself. "I shouldn't spy, that's wrong." Peter continued to talk to himself until he reached
Y/n's window. She was fixing something, but Peter couldn't figure out what. The pieces were scattered all along her desk.
But suddenly, her hair went red and she sat extremely still. Her head flicked back, revealing her red eyes. She sat there for a few moments. But all one motion, her hair went down and returned back to it's original, beautiful shade.
Her body through itself out of the chair and onto the floor.
Peter's eyes went wide. He quickly opened the window and snuck inside. He took off his mask and tucked Y/n's shut behind her ear.
Her heart was beating, but slowly slowing down.
"No no no!" Peter cried. He grabbed your fingers with his trembling hand and held his other to his earpiece.
"Mr. Stark?!" After a minute or so, a voice rang on the other end. "What's up kid?"
"Uh, you know that alien that fell from the sky and disappeared?"
"I swear Peter if that thing is with you-"
"She's been living with me and-"
"That's What I was afraid of. Peter, get away from it."
"Y/n's not an it. She's a well, she's-well she hasn't actually told me." Peter said, starting to get off track. "But she needs are help. Please just come to my apartment as quickly as possible. I don't know how much longer she can make it. Her heartbeat is slowing down and her breathing isn't consistent.
"I'll be there as soon as I can. Just stay calm." Tony insisted.
The earpiece turned off and Peter brushed
Y/n's hair out of her face once more.
"Stay with me Y/n." Peter begged.

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