Chapter 22

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"Y/n, you look beautiful." Aunt May smiled, pressing her hands to her heart.
"Do you think Peter will like it?"
"There's no doubt about it." A sudden ring came from my phone.

Hey. Happy and I are here.
Alright be down in a second.

I set my phone in my purse and checked the mirror one last time. "Alright my dear, I'll walk you down." Aunt May said holding out her arm for me to hook mine onto.
When we got outside of the apartment building, Peter stood outside of the limo. A smile spreading from ear to ear.
"You look beautiful." He spoke softly. He lifted his hand and gently grabbed onto mine.
"Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek. "You look handsome as well."
Peter smiled and walked towards May, giving her a warm hug. She seemed unable to relax while in his embrace, but I couldn't figure out why.
Peter opened the door, ushering me in. "You go ahead Peter. I just want to thank your Aunt one last time." Peter nodded and took a seat in the back of the limo.
"Are you okay May?"
"Yeah. Just be careful. Okay?" She wrapped her arms around me and I could feel her fear.
"Okay." I assured.
"Oh I forgot something." May said reaching into her pocket. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a small locket and my initials engraved on the front of it. "Open it when you feel the time is right. It might come in handy."
"Thank you May." I smiled, giving her one last hug before putting it on and getting into the car.
"Ready?" Peter questioned. "Yeah. So ready." I turned around to look through the window at May. Her eyes were still full of fear.


"Hey Peter! Y/n, don't you look beautiful as always." Ned blushed.
"Thank you Ned. And you look dashing as well."
"Why thank you darling." Ned joked while trying to have an accent. The group laughed in unison. Except for Peter. He stared at everyone before giving a force laugh. His smile seemed fake, almost cold. Yet he looked brighter than ever.
"Peter are you feeling okay?"
"Oh I'm fine Y/n! Come on, let's go dance!" He yelled grabbing onto my hand forcefully and yanking me inside.
"What the hell Peter?" Peter suddenly let my hand go, stopping dead in his tracks.
"Sorry, I just got excited. I love this song!"
Peter began to dance but I stayed still.
"Yes Love?"
"You told me you hated this song last week. When we were studying for our history test you said you would rather listen to Ned talk about his fedora collection than listen to this."
Peter shrugged his shoulders, brushing it off. "Things change." He explained with a smile.
"Peter? Are you sure you're okay?"
"For the hundredth time, I'm okay. Let's just enjoy our time together. I feel like this is our first real date since every other time got interrupted."
"Yeah." I whispered, trying to stay calm. Peter wrapped his arms around me and I laid my hands around his neck.
"I told you how beautiful you looked tonight, didn't I?" Peter said with a smile.
"You did." I replied smiling back. I laid my head on his chest as we swayed back and forth. My head spinning, trying to come up with some reason as to why Peter was acting so odd.
"Yes Love?"
"Do you remember the night when you asked me to prom. How it was pouring rain but we didn't care. How we just stood out in the cold together?"
"Of course. How could I forget?" Peter said with a smile.
"Well, do you remember what you said to me? Before we finally went inside?"
"Of course I do? And I'll never forget it."
"What was it again? 'I hope you know how- I hope you know how-?"
"I hope you know how beautiful you are." Peter spoke, tucking my hair behind my ear.
I gave a small smile, looking into his eyes. But they weren't Peter's. When I gazed into Peter's eyes, all I could see was death and destruction.
Staring at him, dead in the eyes, I pulled my arm back and let it swing directly into his face, sending him to the ground.
The crowd of people quickly moved, letting Peter fall.
"What the hell has gotten into you Love?" Peter yelled.
"Don't call me Love you freak!" I screamed. "And for your information, you said 'I hope you know how special you are Y/n. All that you are is all I'll ever need.' But I guess you wouldn't know. Now tell me where the hell Peter is!"
"Not a chance."
Peter stood up, blood dripping from his nose. Teachers and parents tried to get in the middle of our fight but the crowd of students blocked them for coming in.
"Get everyone out of here!" I screamed. But no one seemed to listen. Everyone stood in a circle with their phones out recording it all.
"Wow, I knew Peter was romantic but I didn't know he was that cheesy." Peter, or at least the man who looked like him, swung his fist, missing me by a hair.
I swung my leg around, dropping Peter to the ground. He quickly stood up, cracking his neck. His face began to bubble and he began to grow. His skin lit up like a fire, turning bright red.
The students began to scream, running in all directions. But I stayed still, ready to fight.
"You had one job. To protect the boy. Clearly you can't be trusted to be on our team. Which is why this'll be much more fun than I would have ever imagined." The man cackled.
He sent his hand down the the floor, sending a shock straight into my body. The clashing of our powers broke me to my core, forcing me into the ground.
My head was spinning as I toppled. Screams of people fleeing filled the room. I had never felt so defenseless as the room began to turn black.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2019 ⏰

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