Message to readers

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HELLO READERS! Thanks for selecting this novel to read. Hope you love it. A few things before you get started:

1. Please do not steal my work. I put a lot of heart and work into this.

2. I appreciate criticism but only the constructive kind. Kindly acknowledge the effort I'm making but do not hold back on giving editing notes or whatever other literary advice you might have in your comments. This is my very first story on Wattpad.

3. This is Fiction. Characters and events only exist as a result of the author's imagination not based off real people or real events.

4. I hope you enjoy my story. Vote!! Comment!!

5. I do not own any of the photos I put up of what I think the characters will look like. I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP OF ANY PHOTOS USED.

6. Sorry for errors. I try to correct most of them but if I miss any, kindly draw my attention to it. Comment or send a private message. :-)

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