RoosterTeeth Animation Squad/Family headcanons

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- The only thing almost anyone out of them can agree on is that Zwei (from RWBY) is the freaking most adorable ball of fluff in the squad. (Aka, some are arguing, send in the corgi and they stop instantly arguing)

- Speaking of the corgi, the second/third person he trusts outside of the RWBY girls is Wiz. Suprising, but Zwei is kinda like Ruby's partner during marathons.

- Also, Ruby was actually the first person to know the two before they even met formally on team RWBY's first RTX event. As soon as she got that there was a webshow simply dedicated to analyzing weapons and powers she couldn't help but binge watch the show and keeps up with it since. (She also owns merch of the series as well)

- The pilots from Gen:Lock are actually suprised on Wiz for being able to actually pilot multiple different mechas and their mechas as well.

- It kinda got to be a tradition in the RTA squad that they have an entire floor in hotels for themselves at RTX, so it's kinda easy to spot where they are residing during that time, even with Wiz and Boomstick as they still worked with ScrewAttack. The floor was Ruby's idea and she promptly has asked for that those two join in as well.

- Wiz is definitely the only sane man in this entire squad and is quite often annoyed about this.

- The first time the RTA squad met their VAs was a mixed experience:
Wiz and Ben got pretty well along, Ruby couldn't help but hug Lindsay, Yang and Barbera are puning the ever living heck out of anything and the less I say about Chad an Boomstick meeting...... Let's just say they had a rocky start for now.

- No one's ever mentioning the "Sarge is Boomstick's dad" situation ever. They gave some pointers, but the redneck's too obvious about this.

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