Magical Mirai Main themes rankings!

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The 39th chapter in this and I couldn't resist theming this to Miku (y'know, since 39 in japanese is pronunced as "Sankyu" and "Miku" XD), so here's my ranking of all Magical Mirai themes (except 2019, haven't heared that one yet)

Let's go!

5th : Sand Planet by Hachi (Magical Mirai 2017)

If I'm honest, this rank was easy for me. Sand Planet isn't a bad track, it's not fitting for a 10th anniversary in my view. The track should've been more celebratory and beautiful, but it's not bad, I can see what the Produced wanted to present, but it's kinda too depressing for the 10th anniversary of Miku.

Now we're coming to the themes I've had a hard time ranking them, since I love all, so feel free to swap them if you don't like my ranking here.

4th : Hand in Hand by kz/Livetune (Magical Mirai 2015)

It seriously hurts me to put this in dead last from the hard to choose tracks. This track has some of the most beautiful themes and the track is just amazing! Hand in Hand has such a beautiful message that it is actually a shame for me to rank it that low.

3rd: Next Nest by さつき が てんこもり (Magical Mirai 2014)

If you know me, you know that I've got some serious love for electronic and dance music and Next Nest is definitely a track fitting in that category.

2nd : Greenlights Serenade by OMOI (Magical Mirai 2018)

Now we're getting to the tracks which are the most difficult to do, but I have to rank them, but the tracks are equal of being first in my eyes. I just love Greenlights Serenade and the track is sooooooo beautiful! (If the contest winner would count in, METEOR by DIVELA would've made the list as well)

Before the first place arrives, some honorable Mentions (aka the themes of Miku Expo and some of the contest winners):

Lucky Orb by emon(Tes.) from Miku Expo 2019 (Taiwan)

Decade by Dixie Flatline from Miku Expo 2017

Music like Magic by OSTER Project from Miku Expo 2018 in Europe

Blue Star by HachiojiP from Miku Expo 2016


METEOR by DIVELA, the winner of the song contest from Magical Mirai 2018

1st : 39 Music! by みきとP (Magical Mirai 2016)

Do I need to say more? 39 Music is the hype sibling to Greenlights Serenade. It's awesome jumpy, happy, fun, loud and just screams Magical Mirai.

Anyways, that's all for this time around. See ya later!

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