Some more Death Battle Crew headcanons

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With the latest host Ringmaster going live for the first time on Saturday with DBX, I'm going to share some headcanons and ideas regardings those three now.

BTW, here's the official Announcement tweet from Rooster Teeth for DBX:

- Right out of the bat, I feel like Wiz and Ringmaster are pretty much rivals (the non shippable version, even in crackfics) and Boomstick is often the dude to calm the two down.

- Reason why the two are rivals: Wiz may have a huge ego and is more of a mad scientist, he isn't as flashy and egocentrical like Ringmaster (I can only imagine him straight up dissing DB in the intro to DBX and Wiz's mood jumps to "I gonna fucking kill this bitch right this instant" instantly, since the cyborg takes some serious pride into the show he hosts)

- Ringmaster isn't a huge fan of Wiz either, he's, quote, "Not on the same level as awesome as I am" and that "his show is taking too long to get to the point"

- Boomstick is probably the only one (except fan characters) who can keep those two from jumping at each other's throats the second they meet.

- They can keep a professional face up around each other, but those two are going to throw lowkey disses and backhanded compliments at almost any time.

- Wiz has a lightcycle inspired motorbike and you bet he drives this like crazy. (Don't't worry, he has a licence to drive too)

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