Small Non-canon one-shot

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A/N: Alright, a friend of mine kinda had the idea for this, and it is not canon to the Death Battle story I'm writing alongside the characters. And for context, this takes place after the Miles Morales preview. Have fun!

After Boomstick left the recording booth, the team was silent.

Melody, the producer of the show, sights and rubs her nosebridge underneath her glasses.

"He just straight up left again....", the tone in her voice indicates frustration, "We are going to continue recording tomorrow."

The team nodded and packed up, while Wiz left the booth to meet up with the ice blue haired female.

"Are you okay Mel?", he asked the smaller female who sat in the chair before the sound controls.

"I'm fine Wiz.", she answered the white haired male, "It is just sometimes way too frustrating to record with Boomstick. He's seriously unpredictable."

After these words, the taller male sights and went over to her, laying his arms loosely around her neck from behind and laying his chin on her head.

"To be fair, we both are dealing with him, and honestly, I hate to admit it, but I don't think we would be that successful without him, even with the same amount of time.", Wiz sights.

"Babe.....", the producer sights, "I know that.", she stood up and faced her boyfriend, her arms wrapped around his waist while his arms still lay on her shoulders, "It's just annoying with how the recordings end a lot of times."

The two stood for a while in silence, their eyes locked into each other.

"But then again, we wouldn't had that one RTX night where we both realized who we really needed."

This sentence from her made Wiz chuckle.

"Yeah, what a accidental night together can change", he smiled softly, as he still remembered the hangover in his hotel room with her laying in his arms, looking like a total mess and all of their clothes shattered across the room. (Probably better to leave what exactly happened that night to the imagination)

"I'm just surprised how nothing has happened after that...", Melody noted with a smile, "Have we been that drunk that night?"


The two laughed together before Melody leaned her head against her boyfriend's chest.

"I'm just glad everything has happened Wizard.", she sights with a smile.

"Same here Melody.", the white haired host told her softly, before lifting her face up to his, "I just hope it stays that way."

The blue haired female smiled as she looks into the blue eyes of the taller male.

"Same here.", was her answer, before she softly connected her lips with his, which is promptly returned by the host.

"Guys, do you know where dad is? He told me to-", Cherry, the daughter of Boomstick, started to ask, but as she saw the two intertwined and kissing, her face turned into a gigantic grin.

"Oh. My. God! This is not happening right now, is it?", she squealed, scaring the two lovebirds out of the kiss.

"Cherry?", Wiz asked surprised, his face displaying a mix out of anger and surprise.

"I won't tell dad.", was her reply, "But you two don't know how hardcore I've shipped you two for a long time!"

After that, the two producers blushed dark red and got out of the embrace.

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