CS Siblings headcanons

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Alright, time for some adorable sibling headcanons with the three who are more like siblings then anything!

- If you make Miku in any way, shape or form cry or get way to scared (to a point where she cries) or threaten her, you can count on that the other two will make you regret that choice in the first place.

- From most likey to hug/cuddle/glomp their siblings to least likey/never doing that: Miku, Heat, Wiz

- The three usually hang around each other alot, even staying behind the scenes by music video shoots and live apperances

- All three are pretty much on the same dance skill level, but their styles show alot about their personalities: Heat has a calm and cool aura, even with hard choreographies, but can go jumping over a stage as well, Wiz is more calm and focussed and Miku is well..... Miku.

- Almost no one understands why Miku sees Wiz as one of her siblings at first, but somehow it's actually pretty clear now.

- You know the one moment where someone tries to be mean to the younger sibling and the older sibling appears either behind that person or the younger sibling?
That's pretty much Wiz and Miku summed up, when Miku is in trouble. (Ask any Weeb on a convention CS is on and who has tried to hit on Miku. Wiz is pretty scary in moments like those)

- He won't admit it, but Miku seeing him as a sibling is definitely something Wiz honestly cares for, even though she can be annoying like crazy.

- Same goes for Heat, but she's more open about that.

-Both Heat and Wiz are usually sporting on Miku's B-Day (8/31) turquoise highlights or ombres or are wearing something in that color (Wiz usually resorts to a shirt in that color)

- You should NEVER think about going into something scary with those three or you'll seriously regret that.

- Easy bet that those three have movie marathons regularly.

- Everyone of the three own a small orange, blue and turquoise colored keychain of their own emblem (Heat: a small star outcut, Miku: the small "01" from her jacket, Wiz: the former SA emblem)

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