Small Request story

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A/N: This one shot story is requested by a friend in RL who isn't on here, but still has requested this story with this paring. Hope you guys like it! ^^

Surprise Crash

It was early in the evening as Wiz got up from his research, since someone was annoying the ever living hell out of him by storm ringing the apartment's doorbell.

Walking over to the door, wearing an oversized Death Battle Logo shirt alongside sky blue lounge pants, the annoyance was clear in his face.

"I swear if this is Boomstick, I am so gonna.....", the thought didn't got further as he saw the newbie of the crew, Ringmaster, instead of his long time Co-Host and resident annoyance of the two.

"Oh, hey.", Wiz greeted him, "I thought you where Boomstick earlier"

"Yeah, really funny Wiz", the DBX host told him annoyed, before he quickly adds, "Can I crash at your place?"

"Why? Hords of fangirls keeping you from getting to your place?", Wiz snickers, which resulted in an embarrassed expression of the other host.

"Not really.... You remember that chick from last week who was pestering me like crazy?", he asked, and Wiz's looked a bit surprised.

"You mean that black haired chick who tried to get backstage and into your dressing room?", he asked.

"Yep. And I'm honestly in zero mood to having to deal with her at my own place"

This answer made the cyborg sight a bit.

"Alright, I just hope you aren't as much of a headache like Boomstick.", he told the other host and gestured him in.

"After what you told me I won't be.", Ringmaster grinned, remembering their first official Meet Up and introductions.

Wiz sighs with a grin. "Gotcha, the guest room is down the floor and the first door on the right", he threw quickly in, before getting back to the living room where he grabs his laptop and continued the part of the research we was planning on finishing today.

A bit later, after Ringmaster got the things he brought into the guest room, which is definitely a pretty decent one with a huge bed, wardrobe and own bath, he got over into the living room (wearing some dark pink PJs), just to catch the white haired hosts still working on his laptop.

"You're still researching?", he tries to break the ice between the two.

"Yep. I seriously want to have this finished today", Wiz answered without looking up from the screen.

The pink haired host, now with a small low bun instead of a huge pompadour (aka those things are bad to sleep with) got over to the couch in the living room and snatched himself a spot to sit in as well, while his brown eyes, which are not obscured by the large black sunglasses he usually sports, looked over to the other guy on the side.

'Alright, screw it, he's hot.', he thought as he noticed the cyborg's rather young and stylish appearance outside of the show (and his regular clothes) in person.

Wiz on the other hand doesn't noticed that Ringmaster was glancing at him with a slight pinkish hue covering his face, he was too immersed into his research to get it done.

A bit later, Wiz was stretching his arms and slightly yawned, scaring the newbie host from his phone, before he closed the laptop and sat it on the small table in front of him.

"Alright, you want to watch a movie?", he asked.

"Sure. Any picks?", Ringmaster answered with some of his confidens left.

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