Some more Wiz and Boomstick headcanons

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- Wiz is definetly a perfectionist. Like seriously, you think he goes half onto stuff he wants to learn you're dead wrong.

- While Boomstick is 100% of the time reckless, Wiz can get seriously reckless as well.

- The two have a pretty high tech VR areal, mostly to test weapons themselvs (also guess who took his time to upgrade it so much, other pro setups look like child's play in comparison)

- Funny enough, Wiz is the one using it the most, not just only to test weapons, but also to just blow off some steam and train. He even has an own training bot to do so.

- The VR game for testing weapons uses a TRON esque suit to regristrate hits and when someone gets something chopped off in game, the suit numbs this part (except head and anything lethal to numb, that's an insta KO) for a short period of time to simulate that. Plus the controllers can mimic any weapon they want, even recreating clashzones.

- Wiz is way more cocky whenever they test weapons like that or are just having fun in a 1v1.

- Also, whenever he has to use a certain new skill he isn't proficient enough for his liking, Wiz acts more shy and introverted then usual, but takes pride into the stuff he can do perfectly.

- If you ask who from the two have the least amount of romance in their life, it's Wiz. (Although he's probably younger than he looks, I headcanon him around early - mid thirties right now)

- Wiz actually has the ScrewAttack bolt as a tattoo on his right wrist, close to his palm. Funny enough, he was actually planning to do that for the 100th episode (and actually did it too) on the left arm, but someone (glance to Boomstick) had to cut it off. Wiz still did it, but not with the plan he originally intended to. (His co-host still hasn't found out yet, and that will be like that till the Anniversary)

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