Chapter 3

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*Harry's POV*

I was late to French but the teacher didn't mind since it was still the first day. I make my way to my seat.

As I'm settling down in my seat I hear a voice next to me say "Hi, my name is Louis." I turn to look and I see a warm, welcoming smile on his face. I remember he's the senior that I ran into and caused his phone to fall on the floor.

"Oh, hi. My name is Harry." I tried not to blush. He is really attractive, but he's also very intimidating. I know he isn't gay so there's really no point in trying. I'm just a lame sophomore with a secret that I don't want anybody to know about.

I really try not to keep a conversation with him. He's really scary and intimidating compared to me, a nobody, but he still is trying to talk to me. "May I call you Harold or Haz?" "Um... yeah sure Lou, I mean if It's okay to call yo-" He cuts me off. "I like it." He says smiling.

Before we can continue our conversation the bell rings.

I leave the room not waiting for anybody considering I'm the new kid and I have no friends.

I look at my schedule and see that I have lunch next. I make my way towards the cafeteria and I'm not looking forward to it. I'm gonna be sitting all by myself and people are gonna give me weird looks, they're probably gonna think I'm a freak.

I'm walking and I hear a voice call out, "Harold! Wait up!" I turn to see Louis trying to catch up with me. "Hey Harry! Do you have lunch this period?" "Um... yeah I do." I reply so awkwardly. This is not going good. "Really? Me too! Come sit with me! I can introduce you to a few of my friends!" He seems really excited about having lunch with me.

We walk into the cafeteria and I follow behind him. I see a few girls giggle and try to catch Louis' attention as we walk past them, a few of them say hi, some call out to him. "So you must be the popular kid around here huh?" I ask him. "You can say that, but I don't consider myself popular." I like how he's very modest about it. I can clearly see his is popular.

We make it to the table and I see 2 other seniors sitting, there's 4 of us and I'm the youngest out of all of us. The boy with the really dark beard that connects with his moustache says, "Hey Louis! We have lunch together too?! This is going to be great! This is Liam! He's new so I decided to take him with me! Who might this be?" He says looking at me. Louis and I take a seat and before I could introduce myself Louis does it for me. "This is Harry. He's a sophomore." Talking to 1 senior was intimidating enough, now I'm sitting at a table with 3 seniors. They were really kind though. Very welcoming.

All 3 of them were talking while I just sat there, listening, feeling kind of odd, awkward actually. Louis notices that I'm sitting there quiet, so he decides to bring me into the conversation. "Are you new to this school Haz?" "Yeah, explains why I ran into you earlier. I was running late to school and I didn't know where my classes were so I was running around looking for them. I'm sorry about making you drop your mobile." "No worries. I wish you hadn't have run off after though, you looked quite scared."  Louis says. I timidly reply, avoiding eye contact. "I thought you were going to beat me to a pulp, so I ran, I also had to find my first period class." I decided to stay quiet the rest of the time.

*Louis' POV*

Harry was quiet the rest of the period after our conversation. Well I did bring him to a table with 3 seniors and I knew Zayn already and Liam introduced himself and he was really outgoing, so we all had a conversation. I felt really bad because Harry was really alone and by himself.

The bell rings and my next class is math, my least favorite subject. Harry gets up and dashes out of the cafeteria.

I make it to math class and notice the same curly brown hair sitting in the back of the class. I notice It's Harry and a smile quickly spreads across my face. I don't know why I got so happy all of a sudden.

I make my way towards him. I sit in the seat next to his. He still hasn't looked up from his phone or even noticed me. "Harry." I say.

*Harry's POV*

I'm sitting in math class and I'm just using my phone. A familiar voice says "Harry." I look up startled and see that that it is Louis. "Hey Lou." Him saying my name makes me blush, I hope it isn't noticeable. His smile very bright. He's sitting in the seat next to me. I try not to talk to him. Not because I don't like him, but because he's still very intimidating. He's still trying to talk to me but I manage to ignore him the rest of the period. The bell finally rings.

Before I could leave the class, someone grabs me by the wrist, I try to break free but I get pulled back. "Why we're you ignoring me the whole period?" Louis asks frowning. "It's not because I don't like you, because I do, you're really kind. Its just that ... you're... you. And I'm.. me. And you're scary. Intimidating. I'm sorry but I've got to get to class." I finally release myself from his firm grip and make my way to class.

*Louis' POV*

I'm in my science class, my last period. Thank god. But I couldn't focus at all. Harry didn't talk to me in math because, I'm me and he's himself? That doesn't even make sense, and me intimidating? Really? All these worried thoughts going on in my mind. I don't even know why. I couldn't seem to stop thinking about him. Is it possible to have feelings for someone you know so little about? Finally, the bell rings and school is over.

I look around in the halls trying to find Harry and I couldn't find him. I hope I see him tomorrow and and he speaks to me. I start walking towards home and finally make it to my flat. "How was school love?" My mum asks as I walk in. "It was alright!" I say as I'm already halfway up the stairs. I shower and pick out my clothes for tomorrow. My mum asks me if I'm hungry for dinner and I'm not.

I get ready for bed. I brush my teeth and jump into bed. As I'm trying to fall asleep, I only have one thing on my mind, Harry. I finally drift into a deep, peaceful sleep.

(How was the chapter you guys? Please inform your friends about my story! Don't forget to give me feedback either on here or on Twitter: @lanaxstylinson Follow me If you would like! :) Don't forget to comment and vote! I'll try to update soon!)

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