Chapter 19

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*Louis' POV*

French class was awkward and no fun because Harry and Josh were sitting right in front of me, class hasn't started yet so I would see them talking to one another and I would see Harry laugh every now and then. What the fuck? Why was he laughing? Stupid Josh trying to flatter himself. I could see that Josh fancied Harry. No way would they ever end up together.

The bell rang and the class settled down. Before the teacher could speak two students walked into the room, A blonde haired boy with brunette roots and the same body figure as me, clear braces, the other, he had black hair that formed up into a quiff, perfectly straight teeth, and structured jaw-line, if I were to say they were both younger than me, sophomores. They walked in together talking so I assumed they were friends. "You must be the two new students, Niall and Andrew? Okay who's who?" The teacher asked looking from one boy to the other.

"I'm Niall!" The blonde boy said in a cheerful tone, he had an Irish accent.

"And I'm Andrew." The black haired one said in an American accent.

"We haven't done much in class since we've only been school for a few days, while you two are up here, introduce yourselves and tell us a little bit about yourselves." The teacher said.

Niall spoke up and said, "Hello everyone, my name is Niall, I'm from Mullingar, Ireland and I love eating." He backed up to let the other one speak.

"Hi guys, my name is Andrew and I'm Filipino, I moved here from Chicago in America." He sounded way different from us, with his American accent. After he announced that he moved here from America, all of the girls started gasping and making heart eyes at him.

After they introduced theirselves the teacher let them take their seats. Andrew and Niall sat next to Harry and Josh, with Andrew and Harry sitting in between Niall and Josh. They all started talking and seeing Harry and Andrew next to each other in a conversation fueled my hate vile up.

After class ended they all ended up walking to lunch together, great, I have lunch with Niall AND Andrew too now. Niall and Andrew found a table for themselves while Josh and Harry still sat at my table. Lisette came over and sat on my lap while Harry sat across from me with Josh next to him. Lisette and I had a quick kiss and she pulled back asking, "You busy Thursday night?"

"No, I'm free."

"Great, come by my place." She said as she got up to sit with her friends for the day. I saw Harry peak through his eyelashes when she told me to come by.

(Thursday Night)

I knocked on Lisette's door and she instantly pulled me inside attaching her lips to mine. She took no time to close the door and push me towards it while still snogging me. She pulled back and said "My parents are gone. Let's go upstairs." Right then she pulled me upstairs and we ended up in her room. She closed the door and went straight back to kissing me. She detached her lips from mine and started planting kisses on my neck while pushing me back words. I felt the back of my knees hit her bed and she whispered "Sit down" while still kissing my neck, sucking on my skin, for sure I was going to end up with a love bite.

I sat down on her bed and she pushed my chest down and crawled on top of me, "I wanna make you feel good tonight" she whispered in my ear while palming me through my jeans. She crawled off of me and sat right in front of my legs and started unzipping my pants and in no time she pulled my pants and boxers down, revealing my hard length.

She licked my length and it made me shudder, letting a few moans escape my mouth. All of a sudden I felt a warm feeling go through my body and when I looked down I saw Lisette sucking my dick. I threw my head back and lifted my hips, feeling my dick hit the back of her throat, I felt her gag, bur she didn't stop. I was gripping the sheets and I she started to sucks faster. I felt a familiar feeling in my stomach that I usually get when I'm masturbating. "I-I'm gonna-" Before I could finish I felt myself release into Lisette's mouth, she pulled back and swallowed, then re-attached her mouth to my length to suck the rest off.


Lisette came up to me in lunch and and sat next to me. Harry and Josh were still sitting at our table, I didn't know why they hadn't moved to sit with Niall and Andrew already. Lisette pulled me into a deep kiss and when she pulled away she said, "I hope you enjoyed me last night, I'm not surprised that you have a big-" before she could finish, Harry stood up, I could see he had puffy eyes and then he ran out of the cafeteria, Josh soon got up and chased after him.

(Okay like I said, in any class I will refer to the teacher as "the teacher" because I forgot whatever I named them. Here's some mini smut, sorry if isn't that well-written. Hope fully I get better as I progress through the story. Sorry if there are any typos! Comment and vote 😊 follow me on Twitter: @lanaxstylinson 💀)

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