Chapter 7

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*Louis' POV*

I try to get to French class before Harry so I can save him a seat. I chose the seats in the back so I can chat with Harry without getting in trouble.

I take my seat and put my bag on the seat next to mine, saving it.

Just when I think Harry wouldn't come, he walks right through the doors.

*Harry's POV*

I walked through the halls really fast so I wouldn't get late to French again. I try to get there early and when I stepped in I was early, but I wasn't the only the one, there were a few kids, but only one caught my attention, Louis.

He was sitting all the way in the back and when I walked in, a wide smile grew on his face. I think he was saving me a seat because there was a bag on the seat next to him.

"Harry!" He called while motioning for me to come over.

"Hey Louis."

"I saved you a seat." He said, still smiling.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to. Now take a seat so we can chat."

"But class is about to sta-" I was cut off by Louis.

"That's why I chose the seats in the back, duh!" He said gleefully.

The bell rang and the teacher came in. "Bonjour class! Je m'appele Madame Thompson! Since its only the second day, you may chat along with your class mates and get to know each other." As soon as she finished, all of the students started to talk amongst each other. Louis turned to me and started talking to me immediately.

"Soooo... what do you want to talk about Harry?"

"Well, I honestly don't know." I said chuckling.

"How about we just ask each other questions? So we can get to know each other?" He suggested.

"Okay, well why did you start talking to me all of a sudden yesterday? Out of all of the kids in here." I asked eager for the answer.

"I don't know. I just wanted to be friendly, You seemed nice. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No," I replied looking down at my lap, feeling embarrassed.

"Really? For someone as handsome and good looking as you are, I would expect girls to be begging for your attention." He said leaning on the back of his chair with a smirk on his face.

I couldn't help but blush at the comment. I could feel my cheeks getting warm and turning red. I kept looking down, avoiding eye contact so he wouldn't notice.

"What about you? I see all of the girls trying to talk to you and get your attention. You must have a girlfriend." I said finally looking up.

"Oh no, I'm single, and I don't want any of them." He said leaning forward now.

"Oh I see," I try not to sound too happy about it, but I couldn't help it, it makes me think that I might have a chance with him.

We talked about non sense the rest of the period. Just about interests and things we don't like. The bell finally rang and Louis and I made our way to lunch.


"Hey Louis!" One of Louis' friend says as we take our seats. "I've never properly introduced myself, my name Is Zayn, and this is my friend Liam." He says to me.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"You're looking pretty hot today Harry, why don't you come sit next to me?" Zayn said seductively.

"Zayn!" Louis says as he hits Zayn on the arm. "What did I tell you about not being obnoxious earlier?"

"What?! It's not like he's gay! Isn't that right Harry?" Zayn says glancing at me then back to Louis.

"What?! No! I'm not gay!" I reply quickly almost cutting him off. Even though I was gay, I wouldn't tell them.

"See Louis? You have nothing to worry about!" Zayn explains to Louis.

We go up to get our lunch and its only Louis and I, Zayn and Liam weren't hungry. There was an awkward silence between the both of us, not long before Louis decided to talk to me.

"Are you busy later?" He says.

"No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Wanna hangout after school? I've got nothing to do."

"Sure, but where? We can go to my flat or yours?" I ask.

"How about we go to yours? If its okay with you."

"Sure," I reply smiling. "I'll meet you in front of the school after school, then we can walk to my place."


*Louis' POV*

The bell rang and school was finally over. I was looking forward to hanging out with Harry after school.

I went to the front of the school where Harry told me he would meet me at. I was looking around for the curly headed boy when a voice from behind says.

"Ready?" He says surprising me from behind.

"Yeah, let's go."

We start walking towards his place, and the way we were taking was familiar because it's the same way I take when I walk home from school. When we arrived in front of his flat I asked him, "You live in this neighborhood?"

"Yeah, why?" He asked confused.

"Because I live in this neighborhood too. See, my flat is over there." I say pointing down the street to my place which was about 5 flats down from his.

"I guess we're neighbors then." He said happily.

We walked in his house and as soon as we got through the door, a dog came running up to Harry jumping happily and excited.

"Hey Simba! I missed you! I've got to take you out to go to the bathroom!" He says before opening the front door. "Make yourself at home Louis, I'll be right back."

As he goes outside, I walk into the living room and can't help but l look at all of Harry's baby pictures. I take a seat on the sofa and then all of a sudden Simba comes running in through the front door and he jumps on the couch, licking me all over my face. I just laugh and play with him.

"I can see that he likes you already." Harry says walking into the living room grinning, showing only one of his dimples.

"Yeah, he's really cute, and playful!" I say still playing with Simba.

"Well just keep playing with him while I get us some water." He says walking away and then entering the kitchen.

Simba finally jumps off the coach when Harry brings out his bowl of water for him and two glasses of water for us. He sets them on the table and then comes to sit on the sofa next to me.

"Is your mum home?" I ask.

"No, she's at work, she won't be home until around 9:30."

"Well it's barley 2:20, we can watch movies?" I suggest.

"Sure, let me go grab some movies." He leaves the room to go get find some movies.

He comes back in the living room holding multiple movies, "Okay, I've got Grease, one of my favorites, Finding Nemo, and You're Next. Which one would you like?"

"Finding Nemo, I love that movie." I reply.

"Alright then." He walks over to the tv and turns it on as well as the DVD player, and then as he is about to put the disk in, I stop him.

"Wait, before we watch the movie... can I ask you something?" I ask hesitantly.

(Vote and comment! :) Sorry if my French is off or the spelling. Send me feedback and follow me on Twitter! @lanaxstylinson)

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