Chapter 11

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*Harry's POV*

"Fair?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah, it would be fun!" Louis said happily.

"Okay," I said.

"I'll pick you up at 7." Louis said still smiling.

I was actually looking forward to hanging out with Louis again. But then again, I wasn't. I didn't want to get attatched to him knowing he didn't like guys.


Once I got home I immediately went to my room looking for something to wear for tonight. I wanted to dress nice for Louis. He said he would pick me up and he lives a few houses down. Its only 5 and he said he would get me at 7, I've got two hours to get ready.

I got in the shower and sang Titanium while shampooing myself, "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose, fire away fire away! Ricochet, you take your aim, fire awaaaay fire away! You shoot me down, but I won't fall, I am titanium!!!" When I walked out of the bathroom Simba came running towards me. He started jumping on me playfully. He was a pretty big pit bull, he almost knocked me down.

I picked out a white shirt with a black cardigan and khaki jeans. I hope this was nice enough for Louis. I sprayed myself with some cologne to smell good. I took Simba out in the back so he wouldn't feel the need to go to the bathroom inside the house.

I looked at my phone and It was 6:55 P.M., five minutes before Louis said that he would pick me up. I rushed to the bathroom to make sure I looked fine, I ran my fingers through my curls, nervous for what Louis would think.

There was a knock on the door and I went to it and before I opened the door, I took a deep breath. When I opened it, Louis just stood there, staring at me with a surprised expression.

"Too fancy for a fair?" I asked nervously.

"No, you look great, I like it," He said finally coming back to reality, "You ready?"

"Yeah, let's go."

When I walked towards his car he opened the passenger's seat door for me and closed is at I took my seat. He walked over to the drivers seat and got in. He turned the key in the ignition and pulled out of the drive way. The drive there was quiet, we just sat there in an awkward silence. The fair was about 10 minutes away and when we got there I was blown away by the sight.

There were bright lights surrounding the tents where you could play games and win prizes, the rides had lights on them, there was a huge Ferris wheel, test your strength games, and little kids running around with cotton candy in their hands and their faces covered with face paint designs. The sight was truly amazing.

"What do you wanna do first?" Louis asked bringing my attention back to reality.

"Lets go buy tickets first?" I suggested.

"Okay, let's go!" Louis said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the ticket booths.

The sign said that games were 2 tickets and rides were 3. Louis bought us 20 tickets. Before we got on any rides or played any games we ate, I bought us for since Louis bought the tickets.

The first ride we rode was called 'Freak Out!'. It would swing back and forth and spin in circles.

"I shouldn't have eaten that hotdog before we rode that." I groaned while holding my stomach.

"How about we play a few games then?" Louis chuckled.

"This one!" I went over to the game where we would shoot water into the hole in the clown's mouth and see who could make the balloon on top of the clowns head pop first.

"Okay, but just know I'm gonna win." Louis said smugly.

"We'll see about that!" I fired back at his comment.

"Ready? Begin!!" The man in charge of the game yelled.

The game was close, our balloons were about the same size but when I was about to win, Louis let one hand go of his water gun and messed me up, causing him to win.

"No fair!" I exclaimed in an annoying tone.

"Hey, I won right?" Louis replied.

"Yeah, by cheating!"

"You didn't say that I couldn't." Louis grinned.

When we were making our way towards the Ferris wheel, we ran into the last person I would want to see here, Lisette.

"Oh, Louis your plans after school was to be here?" She said popping her gum, I just wanted her to choke on the gum, God was she annoying. "With, him?" She said making a disgusted face as she looked at me.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Louis said annoyed.

"What do you say, you ditch this loser, and come with me?" She said smiling and walking extremely close to Louis.

"Fuck off, I would never leave Harry to go with you, shit, if I was alone I wouldn't even go with you." He said grabbing my hand making our way towards he Ferris wheel leaving Lisette before she could reply.

As we were in line I started to shiver hoping Louis wouldn't noticed, but he did. I was stupid to leave without a sweater.

"You're cold." Louis said saying with a little concern in his voice. "Here take my jacket."

"N-no, I'm fin-" before I cold finish Louis had already put his jacket around me and wrapped his arm around my body.

When we got into our seats on the Ferris wheel, I completely forgot how terrified I was of heights. As we got higher I closed my eyes and kept them closed.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked.

"Terrified of h-heights..." I stuttered.

"Its alright," he said scooting closer to me, "You're safe, don't worry." He wrapped his arm around me and I learned my head on his shoulder, I felt safe in his arms. I finally opened my eyes and noticed the beautiful view of the night sky. We just sat there silence, not long before Louis said,

"You know, I'm glad you decided to come on this date with me."

I looked at him, taken back by what he said.

"Date?" I asked anxiously.

"Yeah, isn't that what this?"

I completely forgot how I was cuddled up to him.

"Well, I guess so..." I said nervously. "A date is what this is then." I gave a small smile.

"I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did." Louis said.

We both just sat, there, his arm still wrapped around me and my head leaning on his shoulder, all cuddled up next to him, admiring the beautiful night sky and stars.

(I really liked this chapter, I had fun writing it. S/O to my best friend hxrrybabe for giving me the fair idea, go follow her and read her amazing story Juliet! I don't know about you guys but I love when Lisette is in a chapter, she's so fun to write! Like always, vote and comment! Twitter: @lanaxstylinson)

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