Chapter 30

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*Harry's POV*

We didn't do anything in Louis' room. We just cuddled in his bed. I lay here now, staring at the ceiling with Louis asleep. I had to go to the bathroom so I slipped out of bed from Louis' grip on me and went to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and after, I got a bit thirsty, so I went downstairs to grab a glass of water.

I stayed in the kitchen for a while. When I walked back to Louis' room, he wasn't sleeping anymore. "Where'd you go?" Louis asked in his raspy I-just-woke-up voice.

"I needed to go to the bathroom, then I got thirsty so I went downstairs to grab water. I'm back now."

"Come back to bed, please." Louis asked and he opened his arms as if waiting for me to embrace me in a hug.

I set the glass down and walked towards him and into his open arms. Once I was in his arms, he pulled me back down onto the bed. He pulled me in close that my bed was against his chest. I felt his boner hit my butt and I inhaled sharlpy.

Louis chuckled and said, "I'm horny, but I'm tired. Let's go to sleep now." He kissed me on my neck under my ear.

"Goodnight Louis."


*Louis' POV*

I woke up to the most beautiful person in the world. He was still asleep so I just watched him, his body was so calm and peaceful. I could watch him forever.

I kissed his cheek and he woke up. His eyes fluttered open and he stretched and he looked like a baby kitten when they first wake up, so adorable.

"Morning babe." I say to him.

"Morning Lou, you're up early."

I glanced at the clock and it was 8 a.m. I like waking up early, If I wake up late I basically wasted my morning.

I planted a kiss on his soft baby lips. He smiled into the kiss and then pulled away and nuzzled his face back into the pillows. "Really? You're going back to sleep?"

Harry just mumbled into the pillow. I know how to wake him up. I got on top of him and started to tickle him. He started laughing but kind of screaming, because he was getting tickled.

"LOUIS! Stop! If I hit you it's not my fault!" Harry said while laughing.

I continued tickling him and and Harry started flailing around, swinging his legs and arms trying to get me off of him. He was swinging pretty crazy. I kept tickling until one of his swinging hands connected with my jaw and he punched me straight in the face.

I was still on top of him but I wasn't tickling him anymore, I was holding the side of my face where he punched me. I knew it was unintentional because he told me if wouldn't be his fault if he hit me because I was tickling him.

Harry was under me panting, trying to catch his breathe. He looked up at me and started laughing again. "I told you it wouldn't be my fault if I hit you."

"You think this is funny?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Hilarious." Harry said and continued laughing.

I grabbed both of Harry's wrists and pinned them above his head.

"How about now?" I asked in my raspy morning voice.

(I know I'm horrible! I haven't updated in 10 days *sigh* I'll try to update more often, winter break is coming soon so yeah. Comment/vote!!)

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