Chapter 17

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*Louis' POV*

I met Harry's eyes, "Sorry, I was just um .. leaving." I turned around and ran down the stairs.

When I opened the front door someone grabbed my wrist and when I turned, it was Harry, "Louis .." I just looked at him, and shook my head before pulling my wrist back and walked out the door.

As soon as I got to my house I ran to my room. I didn't bother changing into different clothes, I just layed there, with tear soaked eyes. It took me a while to fall asleep, but I eventually did.

*Harry's POV*

My heart broke at the sight of Louis being hurt, because of me. I couldn't bear with the fact that I did this.

I went upstairs to my room and immediately started to cry, not caring that Josh was in the room and that he saw me crying.

"I'm sorry, I thought you two weren't I thing, if I ha-" Josh tried comforting me.

"No, it's alright." I interrupted through ny sobs.

"No it's not, this is my fault."

"Can you please go downstairs? I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight." And with that, Josh walked out.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened and before I knew it, I was asleep.


I woke up sunday morning groggy and with bags under my eyes. I couldn't get any type of sleep last night. I wanted to talk to Louis, he only loved a few flats down, but he felt so far away.

I spent the whole day watching movies, not bothering to so anything else. The day went by so fast I didn't notice that it was already nighttime.


I was not looking forward to school. I didn't want to see Louis.

I walked into French class and saw two familiar faces: Josh's and Louis'. I sat down seats far away from them both. Josh came and sat in the seat next to me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry Louis. Will you ever forgive me?" Josh asked with a concerned look.

"Yes, I forgive you Josh, but I'm not in the mood right now."

"I have lunch with you next period, you never noticed me, may I sit with you?"

"Sure." I told him.

Josh and I walked to Lunch together. I was still sitting at the same table with Louis, Liam and Zayn.

"You guys, this is Josh." I said to the others pointing to Josh who was taking his seat.

"Nice to meet you," Liam said to him. "My name is Liam and this is Zayn and Louis." Josh just have them all smiles and nods.

Louis was sitting right across from me and it was hard to not look at him, every now and then we would exchange looks and sometimes make eye contact, then we would away. Josh seemed to warm up to Zayn and Liam because they were in a full conversation. I know Josh and Louis wouldn't exchange words because of what happened on Saturday. I would see Louis give Josh dirty looks.

While the other 3 were in a conversation, thy left Louis and I. I finally looked at him and started to speak, "Louis, I'm so-" I was cut off by Louis calling for Lisette to come over and sit with us. Not again with this bitch.

"What do you want Tomlinson?" She asked irritated.

"I wanted to say that, I was wrong, and will you give me a chance?"

"I knew you would come to me, of course." She leaned in and kissed him. It turned into a full on make-out. I was utterly disgusted at the sight. They stopped with Zayn made a loud cough.

I couldn't stop thinking, 'what a whore'. The bell rang and I left to math class, knowing that I had it with Louis irritated me.

I walked into math class and sat in the same usual seat, and when Louis walked in, he sat in the seat next to me.

"Okay class, you should be sitting in the seat you chose on the first day of school, that will be your permanent seat."

I mentally groaned because that meant I had to sit next to Louis for the rest of the year.

*Louis' POV*

The teacher told us that our seats were permanent, so I had to sit next to Harry. I was still sad about what happened, I thought that we would actually have a chance to be together, but I was wrong. So I asked Lisette out, even though I knew I didn't like girls, especially her, but I guess she would fill that empty void in my heart.

(Okay so I'll be doing school scenes and classroom scenes, but I wouldn't be mentioning the teachers name much, I would probably address them as "the teacher" because I forget the names I chose for them lol. So don't forget to comment and vote!)

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