Chapter 4

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*Harry's POV*

I woke up and checked the time, it was 7 A.M. I didn't want to get out of bed but my mum kept nagging for me to get up.

I didn't want to go to school. It was boring and I had no friends, except Louis. He was really kind to me but I don't know if we are actually friends considering I ignored him and upset him, I could tell he was upset because he had a sad look on his face when he asked me why I was ignoring him.

While I was getting ready for school Simba, my pet dog, kept whining to go to the bathroom, so I took him out. Simba is a 6 month old pit bull and I've had him since he was 4 weeks old. He was the best cuddler in the world.

I was picking my clothes out and I really couldn't decide on what to wear. I just pulled some khaki pants out with a white shirt and I was gonna wear my white converse. I was careful when I was eating breakfast because I didn't want to stain my shirt right before I went to school.

When I was leaving my flat, I could hear Simba whining, not wanting me to leave. I would rather stay at home with Simba and watch movies all day than go to school, but I had no choice.

School wasn't that far of a walk, maybe about 10 minutes. I popped in my headphones and plugged it into my phone. I chose "Teenage Dream" from Katy Perry and sang along, only loud enough for myself to hear. I've always loved singing, I was so happy when I had choir as my first period.

I still wasn't very happy about going to school. I wonder if Louis would talk to me again.


(I'm sooooooo sorry for the late update but writer's block sucks. This is such a short update and I apologize but at least it's something! Vote & comment! Send me feedback either here or on Twitter: @lanaxstylinson :) )

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