Chapter 8

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*Louis' POV*

He just stood there, frozen, taken away by my question.

"Errr ... sure, go ahead." He said soflty.

"Why did you get so defensive earlier when Zayn asked you if you were gay?" I asked anxious for the answer.

"Well," he trailed off. Probably thinking about what to say next.

"Its okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I say trying to comfort him.

"No, I want to. Its just... kind of uncomfortable. Because I barely know you, but you've been nothing but nice to me, so I feel like I could trust you." He says finally letting it out.

"Okay, go ahead." I tell him.

"Well, the only reason I got really defensive was because I actually ..... am gay," He says avoiding eye contact, "And now you probably wouldn't want to be friends me with now."

"Why would I not want to be friends with you? You liking boys doesn't make you any different than a guy liking girls. Love is love." I explain while walking closer to him. I stop right in front of him and lift his chin up so our eyes can meet. "Besides, You're pretty cute." I walked back and sat down on the sofa, "Now, pop in the disk and let's watch this movie."

He does as I say and then proceeds to the coach and sits all the way on the other side, away from me.

"Why did you sit all the way over there?" I ask.

"Its comfortable over here." He explains.

"Suit yourself."

*Harry's POV*

I loved Finding Nemo, but I couldn't focus on the movie. I was thinking about what Louis told me earlier, he told me that I was cute. What? He's not gay, but he never said he wasn't, at the same time he never said he was. I was too into my thoughts that I hadn't realized that the movie was almost over.

"Which movie do you want to watch after? You're Next, or Grease?" I ask while walking towards the DVD player.

"Grease, I like sing along movies." He says.

"Grease it is then." I take the Finding Nemo disk out and then put in the Grease disk in.

"Expect a lot of signing coming from me while watching this." He says smugly.

The movie starts and I just love the beginning. Summer loves look amazing, but the sad part is when summer is over and you and your summer love must depart from each other. I love when they finally reunite in school.

Summer Nights starts to play and as soon as it does, Louis immediately starts to sing along. He wasn't that bad of a singer actually. He got up and started singing and dancing to amuse me. Of course it did amuse me, I couldn't help but smile at him. When he was done, he sat back down, but closer to me.

I didn't know what time it was but it was already dark outside. I checked the time and it was already 6 P.M. My eyes were getting heavy and I was getting really sleepy. I could see already Simba sleeping on the floor. I tried my best to stay awake but I kept leaning on Louis' shoulder falling asleep then as soon as I realized it, I would shoot my head back up.

"You sleepy?" He asked.

"Mmmm... no, I'm not." I mumbled.

"Yes you are, I can tell," he grabs a pillow and places it on his lap and pats it, "Lie down here on my lap."

I didn't argue, I didn't have the energy to do so. I just did as he told me to and lied my head down on his lap. He started to run his fingers through my curls, making me even more sleepy. Before I knew it, I fell asleep.

*Louis' POV.*

I looked down at the curly headed boy on my lap and noticed that he had fallen asleep. I checked the time and it was 7 already. Two and a half hours until his mum comes home from work. I fell asleep with Harry.

I woke up from the sound of the front door opening. I was still very tired but I managed to stay awake.

"Harry, are you home?" Someone calls out. I check the time and It's 9:40, It's his mum. She walks into the living room and looks at Harry who is still asleep on my lap, then looks up at me.

"Hello, are you Harry's boyfriend?" His mum asks.

"Me? Oh no, I'm his friend. My name is Louis. We were watching movies and fell asleep," I say gently lifting Harry off my lap and getting off of the couch. "Nice to see you Mrs. Styles." Reaching my hand out to hers.

"Nice to meet you Louis," She says shaking my hand. "Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry?"

"No thank you, I'll just bring Harry to his room and go home. My flat is just 5 flats away from here. Thank you for the offer." I tell her.

I reach down to the couch and slide my arms under Harry and pick him up bridal style. I carry him upstairs to his room. The door is already open, so I place him on his bed and pull the sheets over him. I just stand there, admiring his beautiful sleeping body. Watching the way he curls into a ball and hugs the pillow to get comfortable. I make my way towards the door and before I close it, I turn around and say,

"Goodnight Harry, sweet dreams."

(Vote and comment! Yes a little Larry going on. Twitter: lanaxstylinson! Send me feedback!)

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